A sleeping bed made of a piece of fabric or wicker net, suspended from trees at opposite ends, allowed the Indians of South America to avoid the bites of snakes, ants and other insects In many areas of Mexico and other countries of the Yucatan Peninsula with a tropical climate, air humidity reaches 100% Relaxing in a hammock, for which there are special fastenings on the walls of houses, is a salvation from the dampness of the sleeping place The body position and rocking have a relaxing effect on the spine, back muscles and nervous system, providing a person with sound and deep sleep The popular recreational tool is celebrated on July 22nd as Hammock Day
Initially, Hammock Day was included in the list of US national holidays, which is not surprising The invention of a sleeping bed made from the bark of a tree called hamaka, a Mexican agave, belongs to the Mayans The Indians lubricated the ropes that went from the woven fabric to the trees with a special insect-repellent compound Hammocks were valued for their lightness and mobility - they were convenient to move from place to place during a nomadic lifestyle
Ethnologist and textile researcher Annemarie Seiler-Baldinger argues that the Indians made beds not only from agave, but from the leaves of vines and palms, and later cotton In colder regions, such as Northern Colombia, the Mayans used animal hair and skin to create warm sleeping gear
Christopher Columbus brought several versions of hammocks to Europe from the Bahamas, which were used in the navy as hanging berths for crew In addition to being comfortable for the body, the unusual bed saved sailors from dampness, ship rats and seasickness Heavy canvas hammocks for employees of the British Navy were not easy to use and comfortable Therefore, lighter canvas products that provide ventilation were later developed
The benefits of “suspended beds”, which allow the body to take a physiologically correct position taking into account the lumbar and cervical lordosis of the spine, have been proven by numerous scientific studies The main condition is to use a stock made of dense material Hammocks, due to their light weight and ease of use, were equipped with the lunar module of the Apollo space program, whose ships landed on the Moon in 1969-1972
Today, woven or fabric hanging structures for resting and sleeping are made from polyester, nylon or natural cotton Hammocks are an indispensable attribute of the infrastructure of camping sites, boarding houses and hotels located in the forest or on the seashore The “suspended bed” creates a cocoon effect around the body, thanks to which a person relaxes and falls asleep faster The measured rocking motions are reminiscent of infancy and being in a cradle, giving the rest additional psychological comfort
The invention of the ancient Indians became a godsend for lovers of oriental practices Practicing Shavasana asana and Sloth pose, flying and somersaults are some of the many flexibility and agility yoga exercises in hammocks Therefore, proponents of relaxation of all kinds, who appreciate the hanging device for outdoor recreation, widely celebrate Hammock Day