Funny Holidays - Holiday of Chaos and Disorder (Pandemonium Day)

Confusion and confusion were, according to legend, a consequence of the construction of the Tower of BabelFunny Holidays - Holiday of Chaos and Disorder (Pandemonium Day) For the creation of the pillar (the construction of a pillar, the top of which was supposed to rest against the heavens), higher powers punished people by scattering them around the world and mixing the languages ​​of communication The tower was struck by lightning, causing confusion and chaos In English, pandemonium means pandemonium, disorder and uncertainty In honor of these phenomena, a special day has been established, calling on people to reconsider the way they organize their lives July 14th is the Festival of Chaos and Disorder Pandemonium Day appeared on the initiative of the American Adrian Sue Coopersmith This Chicago resident is known as the person who invented more than 1,900 holidays Many of them have become firmly established in the lives of US residents: International Hug Day, Compliment Day, World Thank You Day and, of course, Pandemonium Day In second place in the number of memorable dates are the spouses Thomas and Ruth Roy They came up with more than 80 “special days” featuring cranky colleagues, cats, chatting and walking house plants Some of the unofficial US holidays included in the Chase Calendar of Events have acquired international status and are celebrated on all five continents In the modern world, various events and shocks occur every minute, so it is difficult for a person to lead an orderly life and maintain a measured way of life Confusion in the head and mental discomfort are a consequence of the confusion and chaos reigning around According to ES Coopersmith, once a year, on July 14, people simply need to start putting things in order in their own home and in their heads To do this, cleaning is carried out to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, searching for lost things and other activities that will lead to ordering of life In honor of Pandemonium Day, creative people are invited to liken themselves to the demiurge, as the builders of the Tower of Babel did Artists can mix different colors on a palette to create new shades, gain insight into ideas, and see ways to solve problems and situations that previously seemed hopeless The philosopher F Nietzsche said: “You need to come face to face with chaos in order to give birth to a star,” drawing parallels with the emergence of new galaxies after cosmic cataclysms Therefore, disorder and confusion must be treated as something that can and should be ordered according to the laws of nature According to ancient Greek myths, Chaos appeared first in the Universe, in which the beginnings of the future world were mixed: air and fire, earth and water No one can say what it looked like, except that it was a black haze, like the open mouth of an animal Chaos gave birth to Night and Darkness (Erebus), Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, the underground abyss Tartarus and Eros - love, which, as Dante said, “moves the suns and luminaries” Everything is subject to her - gods, people, and animals July 14th is an excellent occasion to feel the demiurge by celebrating the Festival of Chaos and Disorder

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