Funny Holidays - Instant Coffee Birthday

The world's most popular drink is prepared from the roasted seeds of the Coffea plantFunny Holidays - Instant Coffee Birthday Every year the world's population drinks 25 million cups of coffee Gourmets roast the grains, grind them, add water and bring to a boil over the fire Those who are not particularly picky and are not willing to spend a lot of time preparing the drink make it from granules or powder Instant coffee, according to one version, was invented by the Japanese Satori Kato, a chemist who lived in Chicago In 1901, he presented it at the Pan-American Exhibition held in Buffalo, America According to another version, instant coffee was invented by the Frenchman Alphonse Allais and patented it in 1881 However, the novelty was not to the taste of his contemporaries, so the powder for preparing the drink began to be produced on an industrial scale decades later - in the late 1930s The first instant coffee, produced under the Red E Coffee brand, was included in the diet of American soldiers due to its ease of preparation in the field After the end of World War II, it became popular among civilians July 24, the date of the appearance of the Swiss brand Nescafe drink on the US market in 1938, is considered the birthday of instant coffee The products of this brand at one time differed favorably from their analogues Nescafe technologist Max Morgenstaller spent several years developing conditions for long-term storage of coffee beans for Brazilian producers Due to incorrect processing technology, part of the crop rotted in warehouses, not reaching consumers In 1937, Morgenstaller created a powder from beans with a long shelf life that retained the indescribable aroma and rich taste of natural coffee Americans saw the first cans with the inscription Red E Coffee on store shelves in 1909 The production of this product was carried out by a company created by the chemist JC Washington While traveling in Guatemala, he noticed the dust settling on the walls of the coffee pot Washington came up with the idea that if a drink can turn from a liquid state into a free-flowing one, the reverse is also possible He realized the idea of ​​​​creating a powder that, after dissolving in hot water, turned into invigorating and aromatic coffee Today the drink is produced by many companies offering a high-quality and tasty product Instant coffee is produced from Arabica and Robusta beans in the form of powder, granules and freeze-dried form It is most popular among Brazilians and Americans Despite the ongoing debate about the benefits of the drink and its naturalness, the demand for instant coffee is growing every year His fans are in all countries of the world Therefore, July 24 is widely celebrated as the birthday of instant coffee

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