August 6th is International Henpecked Day It is celebrated not only by men who fulfill the whims and desires of their beloved women, but also by their other halves Henpecked are representatives of the stronger sex who lack self-esteem, pride and healthy egoism Is it that bad? Is it necessary to save a friend or relative from a relationship in which his will is suppressed by his other half?
With a joke for life: Announcement in a bookstore: “Ladies and gentlemen! The author of the bestseller “How not to become henpecked” will not be at the meeting with readers today - his wife did not let him”
According to statistics, the strongest and most durable families are those in which men play second fiddle And if he was and remains a mama’s boy, regardless of his age, you certainly shouldn’t feel sorry for him Psychologists warn women who dominate marriages about the costs of living with a man who is easy to control Henpecked people are often weak-willed and lacking initiative, they are afraid of responsibility and do not want to make decisions But not all men can endlessly endure pressure from the lady of their heart Therefore, wives need to be prepared for outbursts of anger and attempts by the “faithful slave” to get out from under the influence of the other half Although usually such a riot on the ship quickly fades away, ending with the surrender of the faithful
History knows many examples of outstanding men who were under the thumb of their wives Among them are musicians, scientists, politicians and heads of countries It's no secret that MS Gorbachev did not make a single important decision without consulting his wife, Raisa Maksimovna There were jokes about this:
Gorbachev enters the bathhouse Everyone looks sideways at the door and blocks themselves in groups “What are you guys doing?” “Are you really without Raisa Maksimovna?”
Ronald Reagan was under the thumb of his wife Nancy, who, despite this, looked at her husband with delight all her life and was his most devoted ally The famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich never hid his servility to his wife, opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya: “Is it bad to be henpecked?” the musician asked “Especially if the heel is on a lovely leg” Andrei Sakharov, a no less outstanding contemporary and friend of Rostropovich, asked a world-famous scientist and creator of the hydrogen bomb, dutifully endured slaps in the face from his wife
With a joke in life: A henpecked man and a doormat are two completely different household items
The symbol of freedom-loving John Lennon left the Beatles, breaking off relations with his friends in the group, because of Yoko Ono The musician stopped composing songs, becoming a housewife and nanny to his domineering wife, whom he called “mother” Brad Pitt, Sylvester Stallone and Johnny Depp during his marriage to Vanessa Paradis are called henpecked The "Pirate of the Caribbean", a rebel and a drinker, temporarily became a respectable family man and happily grew cabbage in his own garden
With a joke for life: At the “Henpecked Man of the Year” competition, the main prize could not be awarded to the winner due to non-appearance My wife forbade
You can argue for a long time about who should be in charge in the family Is it good or bad if a gentle and compliant man handed over the reins of life and family to his wife? Should we rebel against the status quo? Until the answers to these and other questions are found, a funny holiday will be celebrated annually on August 6th - International Henpecked Day