Funny Holidays - International Infinity Day

On August 8, many countries celebrate International Infinity DayFunny Holidays - International Infinity Day This significant date is dedicated to human improvement and self-knowledge To get acquainted with the endless secrets of existence, artistic and mathematical symbols, philosophical categories, and musical works are used Infinity Day was proposed to be established by Jean-Pierre Adi Fenyo, an American philosopher In addition to his achievements in philosophy, Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo is known as a musician, vocalist, artist, prose writer, actor, poet, and creator of avant-garde audiovisual masterpieces The idea of ​​glorifying infinity as a symbol of absolute freedom came to the celebrity in 1987 This proposal fell on fertile ground, and the holiday became an event of international significance Why did Dr Fenyo choose this date? The common infinity symbol looks like a figure eight turned 90 degrees Therefore, 0808 fits perfectly with the “infinite” attributes According to the celebrity, this international holiday should become a day for the dissemination of philosophical knowledge Every person should have the opportunity to join the truth and rise to a new level of development The first “infinite” symbol was introduced by the English mathematician John Wallis In 1655, this scientist’s treatise “On Conic Sections” was published with mention of a new abstraction Modern esotericists often identify the infinity symbol with Ouroboros This is a mythical snake that eats its own tail That is, excessive fascination with abstract symbols can cause harm and cause self-destruction Vladimir Nabokov, the famous Russian writer, uses “endless” imagery to depict the multi-layered plots of his works For example, in “The Gift” and “Pale Fire” the prose writer combines “eights”, Möbius strips with the shapes of bicycle tires, and the silhouettes of half-forgotten people The philosophical concept of infinity is associated with the absence of boundaries, limits, and the existence beyond concepts This category is often contrasted with earthly existence, limited by space and time The theme of infinity runs like Ariadne's thread through many centuries The memory of the cultural and philosophical achievements of geniuses has been preserved in the history of many nations Ancient Greek philosophers considered Chaos to be one of the manifestations of infinity This is an unformed, unfinished something that threatens the existence of ordinary people Thus, since ancient times, a contrast arose between infinite world space and limited earthly spheres Currently, descendants use these signs for more mundane, practical purposes Decorators at weddings and anniversaries install inverted “eights” in banquet halls as symbols of a long and happy life together How to treat infinity? Is it an abstract philosophical category or a tool designed to expand consciousness? Try to “penetrate” into infinity using a meditative technique Close your eyes and breathe in the air Imagine that your consciousness expands to the size of an apartment, house, district, city Then you see from the outside the country, the Earth, the Sun, the Universe As you exhale, “come back” back Repeat the exercise several times This is an effective way not only to connect with eternity, but also to get rid of stress, depression, and change the scale of problems Celebrate Infinity Day by developing your abilities You will change for the better if you make the most of the opportunities that life presents

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