International Joke Day has no official status, but more and more people celebrate it on July 1 every year The holiday originated in the USA and gradually spread to other countries This is a great reason to share good emotions with others, cheer them up, make them smile or laugh Unlike April 1, International Joke Day is not an occasion to make fun of someone, but to make them laugh and cheer them up
According to ancient beliefs, July 1 is considered the day of rampant evil spirits And laughter serves as a talisman against it After all, the main weapon of evil spirits is human fear, and it’s difficult to be afraid of what makes you laugh Fun also has other, more practical, functions So sincere laughter:
• Has a general strengthening effect on the body, has a beneficial effect on all systems, in particular the immune system It’s not for nothing that they say that laughter is the cure for all diseases
• Relieves nervous tension, reduces stress and anxiety Serves as a prevention of psychological problems and even some mental illnesses
• Improves the cardiovascular system, increases the body's endurance
• Improves the functioning of the respiratory system
• Speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss This doesn't mean that watching your favorite comedian can replace going to the gym, but laughter makes the process of losing weight easier Laughing just 10 minutes a day can burn 40-50 calories Thus, in a year you will be able to lose 2 kilograms
• Improves brain activity It has already been proven that only people with sufficiently high intelligence can perceive jokes and make jokes themselves There is also an inverse relationship - listening to jokes helps build neural connections, that is, it actually trains the brain
• Brings people together, forms informal relationships Families in which there is frequent laughter turn out to be stronger, capable of productively resolving conflict situations and coping with life's difficulties
• Helps you move up the career ladder The ability to laugh at yourself and the situation allows you to quickly find a common language with colleagues and management 11% of US employers even list a good sense of humor as a desirable quality for a future employee They are convinced that such people are not only pleasant to talk to, but also productive
We've found out how useful humor is, but how to celebrate joke day? There are no clear criteria, the main thing is that everyone has fun Here are some celebration options:
1 Tell a few jokes to a friend, family member, or work colleague This is especially important if a person is not in the best mood, is simply tired or needs friendly participation
2 Organize a themed party with your friends On it you can take turns telling jokes, anecdotes, and playing relaxing board or outdoor games
3 Post some funny stories on your social media pages and invite your friends to do the same
4 Watch a new or well-known old comedy, humor show, or comedian's performance
It is important that jokes are appropriate, non-offensive and unambiguous Their perception largely depends on the situation An appropriate joke in a group of friends may be negatively perceived by colleagues And a professional-related joke may simply not be understood by friends who work in other fields Therefore, you always need to think through the possible reaction of the audience This, by the way, will additionally contribute to the development of logic and emotional intelligence