The Invisible Man is the main character of the novel by HG Wells The dream of some science fiction fans is complete incognito - a special state of the body when no one around them sees them Introverts who have no desire to come into contact with people dream of “hiding” like a snail in a shell A student who has not learned his lesson wants to become invisible The dream of not appearing on a hidden camera screen is for an office employee who is late for the start of the work day or often takes a cigarette break July 4th is Invisibility Day
A funny Invisible Day is intended for those who believe that with the help of modern technology or a magic cloak, others will be able to avoid finding a specific person Agree, it is very convenient when you are invisible to people around Is it possible to achieve such a result taking into account the development of modern science and technology? The answer to this question is clear: quite difficult However, the famous science fiction writer H Wells is known for the fact that at least 80% of his predictions contained in his works of fiction came true
An Englishman, born in 1866, predicted the advent of the telephone With the help of this device, according to G Wells, it will be possible in the future to order food and medicine to home, and to conclude business transactions Women, in his understanding, will not need to work in the kitchen “Washing dishes means washing and grinding each item separately, whereas it would be possible to put all dirty dishes in a cleaning solvent and then dry them,” predicted H Wells Today's dishwasher meets these criteria
The science fiction writer also voiced prophecies regarding the invention of central heating and air conditioning, the development of the automobile industry, and the ability of mankind to split the atom and create bombs In the works of H Wells there is also an invisible man - one of the most striking and memorable characters
The cloak, which makes a person invisible in the eyes of others, as well as the idea itself, were known long before the publication of the works of the English science fiction writer A cape that turns a person invisible is found in the myths and tales of many peoples: the Dutch epic of the Nibelungen, English folklore about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, in stories about Thumb, Harry Potter, The Twelve Dancing Princesses and "The King of the Golden Mountain" by the Brothers Grimm
Despite the fact that G Wells relies on the fourth dimension, it is not only magic that helps one become practically invisible to others Stealth mode can, for example, be set when viewing websites and social network pages of other people A special strategy of behavior helps to avoid attracting attention - a nondescript personality and an unassuming person in a team rarely attracts the gaze of others These and other opportunities to become invisible are remembered by those who celebrate the funny Invisible Day on July 4th