Kisses, the main component of love, are very important for health: they reduce blood pressure, increase the level of dopamine and endorphins in the blood, which are responsible for the feeling of joy and happiness Lip touch and other tactile sensations strengthen family relationships Frequent kissing between spouses helps combat stress, creates an atmosphere of mutual trust, and even helps lower cholesterol levels April 28th is Kiss Your Soulmate Day
A fun Kiss Your Mate Day is a great chance to show your partner how much you care about them On April 28, it is customary to kiss lovers, spouses and all other people These could be children, parents or close friends for whom you feel warmth Lack of sun and vitamins in winter often leads to despondency and depression, which peaks in spring Spleen and blues cannot be cured with vitamins and walks in the fresh air Only warm hugs and hot kisses will relieve melancholy and give your soulmate and other people dear to your heart joy and self-confidence
Lips are a part of the body that is densely packed with nerve endings When you kiss, the brain receives messages about pleasant sensations, strong emotions and physiological reactions A person’s blood pressure rises, their pupils dilate, and their breathing becomes deep When kissing, rational thinking fades into the background The brain begins to produce substances associated with a feeling of euphoria, pleasure and the desire to not be alone, but to be needed by someone This explains the body’s almost narcotic need for kisses
Scientists suggest that hormones and pheromones, which are perceived upon contact with lips, deposit information on the subcortex about the state of immunity, heredity and health of the partner, as well as whether he is ready for a serious and long-term relationship Therefore, kissing is an important part of the courtship process With its help, we actually evaluate our partner and understand the prospects of the relationship A survey conducted in the USA showed: 66% of women and 59% of men admitted that they had an unpleasant experience when, after the first kiss, their strong and serious hobby crumbled like a house of cards How can we explain this? Obviously, the subconscious of the respondents thus deciphered the brain signals as “the choice of the chosen one is wrong”
Celebrating Kiss Your Mate Day is an anthem to the rebirth of old loves and the emergence of new romantic relationships In spring, not only the buds on the trees bloom, but also the hearts of people open up to meet the feelings Anyone who is afraid to take a step towards the girl or guy of their dreams in every sense, including physically, can try to overcome the barrier on April 28 and finally kiss the object of their dreams And in the case of a seemingly almost extinguished fire of passion, a timid touch with the lips will help revive old feelings
Kissing is an essential part of romantic relationships Lovers leave generous scatterings of them everywhere: they send them by air, send them via SMS, accompany notes on the mirror with lipstick prints, kiss a photograph of their other half if she is not nearby Without the hot touch of lips, love and passion are unthinkable The best time to show these feelings is Kiss Your Soulmate Day