Funny Holidays - Lion's Share Day

Lions, living in savannas and semi-deserts, eat almost all the meat of animals caught during huntingFunny Holidays - Lion's Share Day Scraps from the master's table go to hyenas, jackals and other small predators The king of beasts, by right of the strongest, takes most of the spoils for himself Representatives of the human community, endowed with power and position, also act contrary to justice and equality of rights July 22 is a funny holiday - Lion's Share Day The expression, which later became an aphorism, was first used in his fables by the Frenchman J Lafontaine His example was followed by Russian poets IA Krylov, AP Sumarokov and VK Tredyakovsky Although stories about the unfair division of spoils in favor of the king of beasts have been found in literature since time immemorial The works of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop, who presumably lived in the 7th-6th centuries, are built around this plot BC In Krylov’s fable “Lion on the Hunt,” the meaning of the popular expression is fully revealed: The strongest takes the majority for himself, forcing those around him to be content with little More than 200 years have passed since the fable was written, which satirized human vices in an allegorical form, and nothing has changed Inequity in the distribution of material and other benefits from a position of power still exists Lion's Share Day calls for attention to this fact and to think about whether such a conflict in life violates people's rights At first glance, the lion's share fairly goes to the one who invested the most effort and money in achieving any goal In the film industry, the laurels of triumph are reaped by the director who receives a statuette in the “Best Film” nomination; in sports, by the winner of a competition; in scientific activity, by the head of a laboratory that has made a breakthrough in medicine or another field of knowledge Praise and material benefits often go unnoticed by like-minded people and associates who took an active part and helped the leader achieve his goals The Leo, who received most or the best part of the spoils in the form of national recognition, money or other benefits, can be anyone - from the head of a company and the head of a political party to the president of the country People with power and authority often act contrary to justice, violating the law and moral standards Therefore, the plots of fables and criticism of division according to the right of the strong are still relevant today In life, a well-known aphorism is often used without negative connotations to indicate an advantage in one direction as a percentage A person can spend the lion's share of income on paying off loans, buying medicine or charity These cases refer to the distribution of most material goods without violating the rights of other people If the lion's share goes to one person or a group of people, contrary to justice and according to the right of the strongest, it is worth thinking about Human society differs from prides, packs and other animal associations in that it lives according to the laws of morality and morality Lion's Share Day, which is celebrated annually on July 22, draws attention to this circumstance and the history of the appearance of the famous aphorism

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