“Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered: they took a shoe off their foot and threw it behind the gate,” - this is how VA’s ballad begins Zhukovsky "Svetlana" In Rus' there were special days for predictions - Christmastide It was believed that during the 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany, the border between the worlds blurs, and during these border periods, evil spirits, from whom the future can be gleaned, are especially strong Representatives of the highest circles of society learned about the future from spirits at spiritualistic sessions of Count Cagliostro and other mediums They told fortunes using Madame Lenormand's tarot, coffee grounds and books, and threw grains onto King Solomon's circle
Dreams from Thursday to Friday were considered prophetic, so special attention was paid to them In high society, card and other fortune-telling turned into parlor entertainment The time of activity of evil spirits and dark forces was considered to be the period from 12 at night to 3 in the morning Therefore, the fortune telling was completed with the first roosters Today, predictive techniques and appeals to oracles are practiced throughout the year at any time of the day July 24th is a funny holiday - Looking into the Future Day
Predictions, especially favorable ones, give a person confidence in the future That’s why we really want to know what awaits us in the future However, according to the observations of psychologists, the results of fortune telling very often program people When a person is categorically told what awaits him in the future, he begins to concentrate on this and subconsciously perform actions that lead to a result already known and stored in memory The chances of changing the forecast, even a negative one, decrease, and fortune telling begins to come true for completely objective reasons
Fatalists and supporters of the theory of karma should keep in mind that the future has many options, although the outline of fateful events is already written in the book of life Here it is appropriate to recall Russian fairy tales and epics, the heroes of which stopped at a fork in the road Ilya Muromets read the prophecy on the stone: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you yourself will die, if you go straight, you will find happiness (or be killed)” The choice of option by the epic hero determined his future life The future development scenario depends on the decisions of each of us at important milestones, so looking into it can be uninformative
Esotericists warn beginners and those simply curious about the caution that must be exercised in fortune telling with a pendulum or on a Ouija board Without appropriate training and experience, calling the spirits of the dead can end in disaster Infernal entities of the lower worlds often get in touch with people At best, they will distort information and scare with terrible prophecies, at worst, they will negatively affect the energy of those who took part in the session
Suspicious and easily inspired people should turn to the predictions of gypsies or the prophecies of clairvoyants as a last resort The rest are recommended to celebrate the Day of Looking into the Future in any available way: from ordering an individual horoscope and fortune telling on Tarot cards to simply flipping through a diary After all, each of us intends to do something in the coming days, weeks or months July 24 is the perfect day to refresh your memory of your plans and look at your notes, that is, practically find out your future