It is important to be able not only to clearly formulate dreams and goals, but also to realize them The creation of new areas of activity and images of the future, with all its phantasmagorical nature, greatly helps a person in life You can start achieving your cherished desires at any time, but January 13 is especially suitable for this - Dream Come True Day
The funny Make Your Dream Come True Day does not have strict celebration traditions On this day, you should begin to make your dream come true, starting with its visualization To create a positive mood, you can communicate with people who inspire by example and believe in your strength Psychologists and esotericists recommend formalizing your dream verbally and with the help of drawings, which will allow you, as it were, to attract it into your reality A clearly drawn up plan, in which there are deadlines and stages for achieving what you want, helps very well in achieving your goal
The image created in the mind needs to be emotionally saturated, while understanding that we live in the physical world It must have real tools to make your fantasies come true In order to become a famous singer, you need to receive a musical education or be naturally gifted vocally, go to master classes with masters, and analyze the stages of your idol’s career To buy a small house by the sea, you need to decide on ways to get money to make this dream come true Receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature is unthinkable without daily literary work and the publication of written books
An important fact in making a dream come true is a positive approach and inner confidence in its feasibility The understanding that what you want will be achieved must be unshakable Confidence will, on the one hand, shape your behavior in the right direction, and on the other hand, will be transmitted to the people around you There is no need to talk left and right about your cherished desire And this should not be done at all because of superstition This way, part of the potential and effort that could be spent on achieving a dream is lost
“A thought expressed is a lie,” asserted FI Tyutchev following Buddha The poet, who was a diplomat by profession, gave advice to his contemporaries in a poem:
There is a lot of wisdom and life experience in these recommendations Not every thought expressed out loud is perceived correctly and adequately by the people around you In addition to the risk of subjective assessment, there is a high probability of an incident occurring: what is good and a dream for one person is unacceptable and unacceptable for another Therefore, you should not make your intentions widely public and voice your innermost desires
The Day of Dreams Come True, which was invented by no one knows who, which does not detract from its originality and importance, calls on you to stop fantasizing and having your head in the clouds Make Your Dream Come True Day inspires you to achieve what you want - to take real actions to achieve your cherished goals