Funny Holidays - Margarine's Birthday

Margarine is used in the culinary, baking industry and home bakingFunny Holidays - Margarine's Birthday A fatty product based on vegetable oil is cheaper than its dairy counterpart and has been used in the cuisines of different nations of the world since the mid-19th century Margarine appeared thanks to the developments of a French chemist with the Russian name Hippolyte Mege-Marie The scientist was able to emulsify beef fat, which was refractory, with milk and rennet extract from a cow's stomach Margarine was the result of a search for an alternative to butter, which most French people living during the era of Napoleon III did not have the money to buy The boom in popularity of the product occurred during the hungry post-war years of World War II Today, this fatty product, the appearance of which was greeted with hostility by dairy producers, is the most popular substitute for butter Mezhe-Mourier received a patent for his invention on July 15, 1869 The date of its registration coincides with an annual holiday - the birthday of margarine The spread, a cheap analogue of butter, is yellow in color Like melted Indian ghee, which has long been used in cooking Olive oil also has a light yellow tint The product, created by a French chemist, was distinguished by its white color with a pearlescent tint Therefore, the inventor called it, without further ado, margarine, by analogy with the ancient Greek “margaritarion” (“pearl”) The product is used for preparing snacks, convenience foods and baked goods Margarine is in demand by people diagnosed with lactose intolerance In addition to being cheap, it attracts consumers with other characteristics The product does not contain trans fats or cholesterol and contains vitamins A and D The popularity of margarine among people with average incomes and above has been brought about by the growing interest in plant-based foods in modern society Refusal of animal products is one of the requirements of the “green agenda” Most margarine, 4 million tons per year, is produced in the USA America is followed by Pakistan with 18 million tons and India with 1 million tons Russian consumers became closely acquainted with European analogues of butter in the 90s At that time, television actively broadcast advertisements for the vegetable-fat spread “Rama” from the German brand Unilever Smart marketing and the lack of opportunities to purchase more expensive products led to the fact that Rama Olivia and Rama vitality with emulsifiers and palm oil fractions were literally swept off store shelves The products of the German concern did not become a revelation for residents of the post-Soviet space Margarine appeared in the USSR in the 1930s thanks to food industry engineer SS Ilyin He not only developed its recipe, but also organized production throughout the country The quality of Soviet margarine was an order of magnitude higher than foreign spreads It was made by emulsifying animal fats and vegetable oils, combined with fermented milk or water, depending on the variety Next, the mass was cooled and subjected to mechanical processing, similar in digestibility, taste, consistency and appearance to butter The basis of Soviet margarine was animal fats (pork, beef and even whale), vegetable oils (sesame, sunflower and cottonseed), fresh or canned milk, beet sugar, dry or fresh cream, salt and vitamin supplements The quality of this natural product, which was also available in powder form, did not raise any complaints Soviet margarine was used to produce canned food, confectionery and baby food Modern butter substitutes are often inferior in quality and composition However, today it is difficult to imagine the culinary and baking industry without its analogues The Birthday of Margarine invites you to remember the high standards of Soviet fat and oil products and the history of the appearance of margarine

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