A sauce based on vegetable oil, eggs, vinegar and mustard is one of the most popular products among housewives in many countries around the world Salads and cold appetizers, hot dishes of meat and fish are prepared with mayonnaise Homemade sauce, devoid of flavorings, thickeners and other additives, is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and F In honor of this product, Mayonnaise’s Birthday is celebrated on May 28th
Each Russian eats up to 5 liters of this sauce per year Legend has it that mayonnaise was Stalin's favorite dish The technology for its production was brought from the USA to the USSR in 1936 by A Mikoyan Thanks to the People's Commissar of the Food Industry, canned peas, condensed milk and French sauce, invented during the time of Cardinal Richelieu, appeared on the tables of Soviet people
It was the Duke, sitting in ambush on the island of Mahon in 1756 and tired of omelettes and scrambled eggs, who instructed his cook to prepare something completely new From the available eggs, butter and lemons, the cook created an airy sauce that Richelieu and the French military liked The subjects of King Louis XV became the first fans of mayonnaise, which later conquered the whole world
The sauce is appreciated not only by chefs and gourmets It is used to lubricate door hinges and remove adhesive tape or sticker marks from glass Using mayonnaise, remove stuck rings from your fingers if you don’t have soap on hand The sauce is a good natural remedy for removing lice Mayonnaise creates a film on the scalp and hair, and the parasites die from lack of air With its help, parents of little fidgets also remove traces of pencils from wallpaper
The sauce is used for cosmetic purposes as a hair conditioner, a means for softening hair, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the body Since ancient times, eggs and vegetable matter have been used to make hair thicker and fuller; rinsing with vinegar is practiced All these ingredients are included in high-quality mayonnaise Therefore, it can be considered both a natural hair balm and a means to soften rough skin on elbows, knees and heels
Mayonnaise is used to polish wooden furniture, removing stains, as well as silverware and even leaves of house plants The multifunctional sauce is used to extract chewing gum from hair, treat skin after a sunburn, and wash hands with traces of fuel oil or ancient resin The food product will ideally clean the car if there are traces of burning, bird droppings and other dirt on the body
But first of all, mayonnaise is a popular sauce that adds a savory flavor to many dishes It is equally appropriate in rolls, hot dogs and cheeseburgers, soup and borscht, baked mackerel and French-style meat Everyone who thinks so celebrates the birthday of mayonnaise on May 28, lovingly seasoning it with the “Olivier” salad or “Fish under a fur coat” prepared for the holiday