Funny Holidays - Nap Day

Daytime sleep helps a person relieve stress, reduce fatigue and irritationFunny Holidays - Nap Day In the afternoon, brain activity and concentration decrease, which is why the body needs rest Recognizing this fact, in progressive companies, managers encourage their subordinates to nap during the day For countries with hot climates, siesta is a traditional way of midday rest Their citizens, like residents of the northern regions, celebrate Daytime Nap Day on July 20th This is interesting: Catherine Deneuve claims that one of the secrets of beauty and prolongation of youth is an afternoon rest The French actress emphasizes: “In all women's magazines I say that the main thing is sleep I can easily fall asleep for 10 minutes in almost any circumstances” Taking a nap is useful for increasing performance, improving memory, attention and mood Scientists say that during daytime sleep, the body produces cerebrospinal fluid, which washes the brain and brings it useful substances, moisture and neurotransmitters, incl serotonin is the “happiness hormone” This is interesting: Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, died at 90 years old When asked how he managed to live to such an old age with an intense political career, he answered: “I never stood when I could have been sitting, and I never sat when I could have been lying down” England's participation in World War II required great concentration from the country's leader, who argued: "When the war began, I needed to sleep during the day, because it was the only way to cope with the responsibility that fell on me" Afternoon naps are the norm for kindergarten return children Adults rarely sleep during the day, although this type of rest, according to scientists, is the key to maintaining mental acuity into old age Your daily routine changes with age Older people begin to sleep after lunch because the body needs rest It helps maintain fluency and memory, as well as clearer spatial orientation This is interesting: Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of the 32nd President of the United States, always took an afternoon nap before important speeches Margaret Thatcher asked her subordinates not to disturb her between 1430 and 1530 At this time, the Iron Lady was sleeping Daytime rest increases labor productivity by 11%, brain activity by 9%, and strengthens physical health by 6% Thanks to it, oddly enough, the risk of insomnia is reduced and the time of night sleep increases by 20 minutes Each organism is individual, as are the habits of a particular person However, scientists still recommend not to overuse daytime sleep: it is advisable to take a short nap, for a maximum of 90 minutes, and have time to get up before sunset Prolonged sleep disrupts natural biorhythms, leading to headaches, a feeling of weakness and depression This is interesting: Great people had a special attitude towards night rest Julius Caesar, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci slept no more than 3-4 hours a day And the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer - 15-20 hours, Albert Einstein - at least 10-12 Emmanuel Kant, if the servant forgot to wake him up, could sleep from 2200 until noon the next day From this we can conclude that genius does not depend on the duration of any type of sleep - night or day An afternoon rest will allow the brain to “reboot”, prevent a person from burning out at work, and help enhance the sensory perception of the world through the organs of vision, taste and hearing Daytime sleep at least 3 times a week reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and, in particular, heart attack by 40% People who rest during the day are not lazy at all On the contrary, they are very productive and hardworking Paying tribute to the undoubted benefits of a midday nap, residents of many countries around the world celebrate Daytime Nap Day on July 20th

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