Before its invention in the mid-19th century Telegraph news spread much more slowly than it does today The main source of information about domestic and international political events were newspapers and magazines Muscovites learned about incidents in St Petersburg after 4-5 days; Russian people learned about news from abroad after 2-4 weeks The slow transmission of information messages was ended with the advent of the teletype, telephone and fax
In the Internet age, political news travels almost instantly The rapid development of IT technologies is, on the one hand, a blessing for humanity, and on the other hand, a great misfortune With the help of modern devices, people have the opportunity to monitor the latest news 24 hours a day and get acquainted with emotional reactions to the events of others, which often causes anxiety, fear and stress Blocking the information flow coming from newspapers, magazines and Internet portals allows you to avoid psychological problems Everyone who is concerned about their mental health and the state of the nervous system celebrates February 1 as Day Without Politics
The initiator of the No Politics Day celebration was American Bob Matthews A resident of Rochester, New York, witnessed turmoil in the United States due to citizen protests after the inauguration of the 45th president On February 1, 2017, another clash between supporters of Donald Trump and opponents of his policies took place in Berkeley, California Representatives of the Antifa movement, anarchists, socialists, black bloc protesters, neo-Nazis and others took part in the conflict, which broke out on the territory of the university
The protest lasted several hours The clash was accompanied by arson, pogroms of banks and shops in the city, damage to university property and attacks on police officers In other American cities, at the beginning of February 2017, a series of protests and strikes took place after D Trump signed a decree banning the entry into the country of refugees from Iraq, Syria, Sudan and 4 other countries in the Middle East The cause of unrest and riots, as a result of which people suffered, were political events that took place in the United States In order to reduce the intensity of passions and give rest to the nervous system, No Politics Day was established
Professor Preobrazhensky from "Heart of a Dog" by MA Bulgakov did not advise Dr Bormental to read any newspapers This recommendation also applies to political news, information about which is freely available “Patients who do not read newspapers feel excellent Those whom I specifically forced to read Pravda lost weight Not only that [They had] reduced knee reflexes, poor appetite, a depressed state of mind,” he explained college the advisability of following your advice Preobrazhensky
People need to learn to filter the news and take note of events that are directly relevant to their lives A passenger bus accident in India, the depreciation of the securities of an Australian company, an airplane crash - these are local incidents, information about which should not be taken to heart and passed through 24/7 access to political news thanks to mobile phones has not made people any more educated or healthier On the contrary, it had a negative impact on their mental state
Scientists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the discipline of “information ecology,” which will deal with the problems of protecting people from fake news and excess information Political events in an ever-changing world underlie most articles, video reports and other media materials The news excites, delights and saddens, instills anxiety and leads to nervous breakdowns The Day Without Politics encourages you to take a break and distance yourself from the information flow for 24 hours