North Americans are known for their optimistic approach to life The philosophy of behavior of US citizens is based on the famous keep smile (“Keep a smile!”) and OK - an abbreviation that stands for “everything is fine” Americans promote a lifestyle that is associated with continued success and prosperity in a land of endless opportunity Every year on March 23rd we celebrate the birthday of the phrase “OK” - an expression that appeared more than 180 years ago!
A person who radiates joy and confidence attracts successful people and good events All doors open to an optimist, he evokes positive emotions and wins over those around him Psychologists advise maintaining a positive attitude and self-confidence even in the most critical situations Esotericists are convinced that a person can influence reality, attracting the necessary events and people into life, depending on what he transmits to the world around him Therefore, the use of the phrase OK or other expressions with the meaning “Everything is wonderful!”, “Wonderful!” and others is so important
Body language expresses a person's emotions and feelings no worse than words The thumb and index fingers of the hand connected in a ring are a non-verbal symbol of a phrase meaning “I understand,” “I agree,” or “I like” Long before the advent of OK, this gesture was used in Hinduism and Buddhism as a symbol of inner perfection The circle formed by placing the fingers means “everything is right” and “perfect”, helping to create a positive attitude
There are more than 40 versions of the origin of the most popular abbreviation on the planet It is used daily by millions of people to express agreement or to answer the question “How are you?” The most popular versions of the appearance of OK include the following:
1 The expression is the result of 2 errors in the spelling of the phrase All correct, which on March 23, 1839 was used in an article in the Boston Morning Post as Oll correct and shortened to OK According to another version, the same mistake was made by the illiterate US President Andrew Jackson (1829-1937)
2 Representatives of the Democratic Party in New York called their club The Democratic OK Club in honor of their leader, Martin Van Buren He was born in the town of Old Kinderhook in northern Columbia County The re-election slogan of Van Buren, who won the US presidential election in 1837, was the phrase “Old Kinderhook is OK”
3 The French claim that the expression appeared due to the literal translation of 0 killed (“zero killed”), used in wartime reporting
4 A Jamaican planter in 1816 quoted an expression from his slave in his own diary He said OK when he agreed with the owner
5 The abbreviation is the result of an abbreviation of the Indian okeh, which means "yes", the Greek ολα καλα ("all is well"), the Finnish oikea ("correct"), the German signature under orders Oberkommando ("Head Command"), which was abbreviated to OK
It is believed that the gesture in the form of fingers folded into a ring became a symbol of the OK in 1836 It was used by supporters of Martin Van Buren during the 1837 presidential race in the United States Interestingly, another gesture denoting triumph - raised fingers in the form of an English V (victory) - was introduced into use by Winston Churchill The US President used this sign as a symbol of victory in World War II
Today OK is one of the most common abbreviations throughout the world Okay's birthday is celebrated on March 23, when, according to legend, an error was made in the Boston Morning Post Any version of the origin of OK has the right to exist and does not in any way detract from the symbolic meaning of the expression