“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” this is how LN’s novel begins Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" It’s hard to disagree with the writer, although every person has his own idea of the ideal relationship between husband and wife, children and parents By creating a “unit of society,” partners believe in a bright future and boundless love, which will be the key to a comfortable and happy life until their “silver” or “golden” wedding Some people really manage to stay afloat in the ocean of life and steer the family ship through storms and adversity with honor July 18 is the Day of the Ideal Family
Perfect Family Day is dedicated to couples in which the partners feel good and comfortable being with each other People experience a sense of happiness from living together and satisfaction from realizing the inner strength of the relationship Yes, in an ideal family, problems, disputes and misunderstandings also arise But the important thing is not that they appeared, but how the partners came out of the conflict situation, managing not to lose love and respect Such interaction between spouses contributes to the growth and development of the family as a community, which makes everyone in the couple strong
In a harmonious relationship, “I” always gives way to “We” Life in an ideal family is characterized by mutual respect and understanding of the needs of the other person, be it a parent or a child Where love reigns, there is no place for anger, irritation and disappointment However, this does not mean that children in such families are not scolded and punished The parent’s task is to explain to the child the rules of behavior and set boundaries that cannot be crossed The priority of an ideal family is not the depersonalization and dissolution of its members into each other, but the development of self-sufficient individuals who do not have high expectations
Finding a balance in a relationship that allows everyone to grow and be a role model is not easy In this sense, there is no need to rely on photographs from social networks, which in some ways can be compared to the “star factory” of Hollywood As a rule, happy couples do not participate in this vanity fair People who live in harmony with themselves and their loved ones do not need to clearly demonstrate family harmony and prove something to the world around them Behind bright photos with deliberately joyful characters, sometimes not the best relationships, conflicts and other problems are hidden
Family gives us a feeling of support and a reliable rear, makes us more protected from the adversities of fate, and increases life expectancy The benefits of cooperation and existence within a couple, tribe and community were already understood by primitive people The search for a second ladle also explains the human instinct for procreation
Ideal people, like families, do not exist However, it is still worth trying to achieve perfection in relationships through negotiations and compromises Sometimes this takes years of life The reward for the path traveled will be the discovery once made that Ideal Family Day is your holiday