According to statistics, every second American girl loses her virginity in the back seat of her boyfriend's car Sexual revolution of the 60-70s XX century did its job, leading to significant changes in the sphere of moral values However, the first kiss still remains a significant and romantic event, largely determining how a girl or guy’s personal life and relationships with partners will develop Touching the object of your adoration with your lips is an act of veneration and sacred reverence That's why April 26 is celebrated as Remember Your First Kiss Day
In honor of Remember Your First Kiss Day, it is common to reflect on the experience of expressing sympathy or love for another person Some had their first kiss in kindergarten in a secluded corner behind a closet, away from the eyes of the teacher, while others had their first kiss in adolescence at gatherings accompanied by the strumming of a guitar in a pioneer camp This bright memory remains with us for life The holiday is dedicated to reflecting on gaining invaluable experience in interpersonal relationships in one's youth Or they celebrate with their current partner, remembering the romantic meeting during which the first kiss took place
Remember Your First Kiss Day is a good reason to go back in time In honor of the holiday, you can find and chat with the person to whom you gave your first kiss There is a chance that a conversation filled with pleasant memories will be the beginning of a revival of old relationships If the first kiss was not as romantic and desirable as you dreamed, you should try to work through this situation, thank life for the experience gained and inform the Universe that you are ready to move on
Our brain does not capture many events that, over the years, become memorable and significant People often forget the first time they did something important But touching a partner’s cheek or lips is remembered by most as if it happened yesterday Merging with the lips is the connection of two microcosms, the transfer of energy symbolizing fertility, and a sacred sacrament It is no coincidence that kissing is part of religious and secular rituals The ritual touching of the lips to the ground, icon, flag or sword reinforces the oath of allegiance to the Fatherland, faith and moral values
The benefits of kissing for human health have long been proven by the scientific world They activate the hormonal system, have a positive effect on the immune system and help lower blood pressure Kisses invigorate, give a feeling of security and lift your spirits even in the most difficult situation They also rejuvenate, because They force up to 30 facial muscles to work, tightening the oval and removing facial wrinkles The first kiss, as a manifestation of sympathy and love for another person, gives an invaluable experience for the rest of life That is why Remember Your First Kiss Day is celebrated in many countries around the world