Funny holidays - Spiritualism Day

June 26 is the International Day of Spiritualism, a mysterious holiday in all respectsFunny holidays - Spiritualism Day Man has always believed in the existence of other worlds and the entities that inhabit them With the help of religious dogmas, he tried to understand the world around him and provide an explanation for those phenomena whose nature he did not understand The history of world religions clearly shows how the worldview of man has changed as civilization has developed Even today, in the age of technological progress, many continue to appease brownies, believe in prophetic dreams and bypass black cats as the seventh road However, modern scientists cannot unravel the mystery of death What happens to us “after”? Does a certain substance remain from a person, which is called the soul? Can the living communicate with those who have left this world? The answers to these questions are provided by spiritualism, a religious and philosophical doctrine whose popularity peaked at the beginning of the last century Spiritualism originates in the works of Franz Mesmer, a German physician who developed his own theory of “animal magnetism” According to his idea, the body of each person acts as a conductor for the fluid, which literally permeates all surrounding matter Through the fluid, one can transmit thoughts at a distance, that is, establish a telepathic connection with a person, but mesmerism affected only communication between living people, and what about the dead? Spiritualism has its origins in spiritualism In Russian, these concepts are related, but not identical Spiritualism has a broader meaning - this is the name of the religious and philosophical doctrine, and special writing using special boards, and the very sessions of communication with the souls of the dead The founder of the theory of spiritualism was the Frenchman Allan Kardec He was an extraordinary person Kardec sincerely believed that he had an important mission - to convey to all humanity knowledge about the structure of this world, which diverged from generally accepted concepts His theory gave rise to spiritualism Kardec wrote several works, among which the “Book of Spirits” gained the greatest popularity Before this, he carefully prepared, conducted spiritualistic seances, using his friend’s daughters as mediums Kardec was convinced that he had made contact with the spirits The philosopher and researcher asked them questions and carefully wrote down the answers In this simple way he tried to build a new picture of the world Often during these sessions a special board with letters was used Kardec's work was a huge success Even Napoleon III was engrossed in them, and he often invited the philosopher to his place to communicate in a private setting One of the ardent supporters of the theory of spiritualism was the famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle, who, already in his declining years, began to gather like-minded people around him and conduct spiritualistic seances There was nothing new in Kardec’s theory, since it was based on the idea of ​​​​the reincarnation of the human soul However, unlike Indian philosophy, according to Kardec the soul does not strive to get rid of its past She retains the memory of previous lives, and each new one for her becomes an attempt to purify herself and achieve some kind of enlightenment This is a test that the spirit must go through again and again until it reaches its cherished goal Souls that were able to pass through this wheel of reincarnation go to the ocean of eternal life, where they experience the highest bliss You can communicate with spirits, but to establish contact it is necessary to use special people - mediums who can reach the immaterial world from our material world Although the theory of spiritualism does not stand up to criticism, it has many followers even today For example, French spiritualists gather annually at the grave of Allan Kardec in the Père Lachaise cemetery The philosopher died of a heart attack right in the process of work, when he was preparing for the next spiritualistic session Although science continues to stubbornly reject the existence of the immaterial world, and the presence of a soul in each of us remains in question, it is important for a person to believe that death is not the end, but the beginning of something more

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