Funny holidays - Tinned Sip Day

A loud-speaking person has a loud, ear-piercing voiceFunny holidays - Tinned Sip Day According to others, such people have a tinned throat They tirelessly and loudly, like the gods from Olympus, broadcast everything that comes into their heads An unusual and cheerful holiday has been established in honor of the ability to speak loudly, shout or laugh Tinned Sip Day is celebrated annually on July 5th The character in Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars" had an unusually clear and powerful voice Its magical properties included the ability to destroy everything around - brick walls, window glass and mirrors Gelsomino's voice caused people's eardrums to burst If, in honor of the holiday of July 5, a competition was held for the loudest vocals, then the literary hero D Rodari would probably win it An analogue of the colloquial expression “tinned throat” are the phraseological units “trumpet voice” and “trumpet of Jericho”, which give the speech a pompous tone In literary works they are used to convey admiration for a person’s loud voice The colloquial expression “tinned throat” comes from the verb “tin” - to cover the surface of metal products with a layer of tin that protects from oxidation In Rus', samovars, coffee pots, teapots and boilers were tinned “Tinned” (from the German loden - “to solder”) means protected from corrosion Before applying a Khokhloma-style pattern to wooden utensils, its surface was covered with drying oil and then treated with tin Therefore, “tinned” is also a sign of quality and durability The use of colloquial “gulp” together with the adjective gives the meaning of the expression a colloquial and disparaging connotation The holiday, celebrated on July 5, was established not only in honor of the ability to tirelessly and loudly shout, speak or sing The expression "sweet throat" is often used to describe people who can drink large quantities of alcoholic beverages and remain sober for a long time Hot drinks at 40 degrees or higher should burn the larynx and cause discomfort However, if a person has a tinned throat, ie somehow protected from the alcohol burn, he easily takes large amounts of alcohol onto his chest The history and purpose of establishing this funny celebration are unknown, as are the traditions of its celebration Therefore, some people on July 5th already in the morning begin to loudly sing roulades and shout loudly on the street, greeting their acquaintances from afar Others go to cafes and bars, where they enter into competitions in drinking strong drinks without consequences for the larynx with people like themselves who have tinned throats

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