Oral hygiene is a necessary condition for dental health To clean them from food debris, primitive people in the 5th-3rd centuries BC chewed beeswax and resin Tooth powder made from ground myrrh, frankincense, mastic tree and raisins began to be used in Ancient Egypt Depending on the country and region, talc, pumice, crushed oyster shells, cattle horns and hooves, charcoal, and other abrasive ingredients could be added to it The Egyptians stored the bulk mixture in jars, using a miswak as a brush - a thin tree branch chewed at one end
In the 15th century In China, they began to use a brush for brushing teeth - a stick with bristles from a boar or other animal Until the 19th century the powder was packaged in paper bags Its crumbly consistency made it difficult to brush your teeth The first paste containing chalk and soap appeared in the 1800s It was kept in glass, and later in tin and plastic jars The idea of creating a tube for toothpaste belongs to dentist Washington Sheffield from the USA
It was he who, in 1892, decided to use tin paint tubes for its storage On May 22, in honor of this event, the birthday of the toothpaste tube is celebrated
Sheffield did not patent his invention, but William Colgate of New York did In 1893, an enterprising pharmacist became the owner of the rights to a tube of paste In the beginning, tin was used to produce containers, later aluminum and plastic were used Colgate organized the production of toothpaste in a tube using his own technology, and his name eventually became a global brand Today, millions of people associate Colgate with dental health and oral hygiene products
A medium-sized tube holds 75 ml of paste Its form, unlike its contents, has remained unchanged for more than 125 years since its invention One end of the tube is folded or sealed many times, the other has a hole with a cap The paste is used by 3/4 of the world's population Almost 90% of this dentifrice is packaged in tubes Their popularity is explained by the tightness of the storage container and ease of use in everyday life According to statistics, each person uses an average of 8-10 tubes per year
It is no coincidence that this funny holiday is celebrated on May 22 all over the world According to polls by sociologists, toothpaste and brushes in many countries are considered one of the most important inventions of mankind This is difficult to dispute: the condition of the gastrointestinal tract depends on oral hygiene Perhaps our descendants will add electric brushes, irrigators and other devices to the list of important inventions in the future In the meantime, every year around the world, the birth of the toothbrush is celebrated on June 26, and a month before, on May 22, the birthday of the toothpaste tube is celebrated