A product called “Oil Jelly” was patented by chemist Robert Chesbrough on May 14, 1878 The scientist drew attention to the amazing properties of the ointment, consisting of a mixture of mineral oils and paraffin, back in 1859 The mass from oil production waste contributed to the rapid healing of wounds and burns, accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues It took Robert Chesboro more than 15 years to experiment and isolate a useful fraction from the mixture before “Oil Jelly” was released for sale in pharmacies The date of receipt of the patent for the product became the birthday of Vaseline, which is celebrated on May 14
The jelly did not inspire confidence among the majority of people who believed that an ointment made from petroleum products could not have medicinal properties However, after a scientist gave the product the name vaselinum, combining the German word Wasser (water) with the Greek elaion (olive oil), sales began to increase Over time, they learned to produce the product artificially Today, Vaseline is used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes, in medicine, food and chemical industries A transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless viscous mass of synthetic origin is no less popular than the natural one
Vaseline does not oxidize, is not saponified by alkali solutions, does not change under the influence of concentrated acids and does not go bitter in air, therefore it is used for impregnating paper and fabrics in the electrical industry The mass is used to produce greases that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents and to protect metals from corrosion Vaseline is even used in the rocket and space industry After tattooing, it is used to heal the skin and soften the crust that forms on it
Tourists and experts in survival in extreme conditions pay tribute to the invention of R Chesbrough Vaseline should be included in an emergency kit, since in field conditions it is used:• to create fire and create candles;• to protect the skin from frost;• as a machine technical lubricant;• to treat cracked skin on the hands, scratches, diaper rash and burns;• as a trap for flying insects; • to prevent cracking of leather products (sheaths, cases for axes, etc); • as an after shave product - to soothe the skin after shaving
Olive oil, baby cream, beeswax and natural honey can be used as analogues of Vaseline in camping conditions However, in a number of parameters in practical application they are inferior to a product made on the basis of petroleum fractions
Vaseline is valued because it is absolutely neutral - odorless, does not cause allergies, is not a carcinogen and does not block skin pores from air flow And the product mixed with lanolin is able to absorb water and retain moisture in large quantities In honor of this unique invention, Vaseline's Birthday is celebrated around the world on May 14th