Funny holidays - Workers' Day

Laziness has long been condemned in all societies; moreover, it is considered one of the sinsFunny holidays - Workers' Day But how fair is this? Of course, pathological laziness will not lead to anything good But workaholism is no less, and perhaps more, harmful than the habit of laziness According to modern research: 1 Workaholics are more likely to have health problems than those who do not overwork They are more susceptible to neuroses, problems with the cardiovascular system, gastritis, insomnia, and autoimmune diseases 2 Frequent overtime leads to constant stress, chronic fatigue and professional burnout Such an employee will soon be unable to cope with his responsibilities and will simply lose the career for which he worked so hard 3 Workaholism provokes problems with alcohol Constantly overworked at work, a person simply does not have the opportunity to relax He may start looking for a way out at the bottom of the bottle 4 The culture of overwork harms the institution of family This is evidenced by the experience of Japan, a country in which labor feats are elevated to a cult Fewer and fewer Japanese are starting families A person who is “burning out at work” simply does not have the time and energy to organize his personal life As a result, he not only does not find a companion, but also loses strong ties with relatives 5 Neglect of rest naturally leads to premature death And here we can also refer to the sad experience of Japan In this country there is even a special term "karoshi" Literally it means death by overwork Medical causes in this case include heart attacks and strokes due to stress and constant malnutrition 6 Workaholics find it difficult to build and maintain not only romantic, but also friendly relationships Working almost seven days a week can result in the loss of close friends And this increases the chances of depression and, in general, reduces the quality of life As we can see, the ability to fully rest is no less important than the ability to work well This thesis is confirmed by the research of the French professor Peter Axt He concluded that lazy people live happier and longer lives than workaholics This is what the Workers' Day, which is celebrated on July 22, should remind humanity The history of such an unusual holiday is unknown The date itself was set haphazardly and has no connection with any historical events The motto of the celebration can be considered the phrase that a person works to live, and does not live to work Russia has an extensive history of physical labor at the limit of strength Serfs, who historically made up the vast majority of the population, were forced to work hard all their lives just to feed themselves Moreover, the work began as soon as the child was able to hold at least the simplest tool or kitchen utensil In tsarist times, the length of the working day was actually not regulated in any way There was no ban on child labor either Only after the October Revolution was an 8-hour working day, a lunch break and one day off per week established Nowadays, just to survive, you no longer have to work from sunrise to night It is especially important for all hard workers to remember this And they can celebrate their “professional holiday” as follows: • If possible, refuse to work An unscheduled day off will help you regain strength after hard work • Spend time with friends or family • Go out of town or just take a walk in the park Recreation in nature reduces stress levels and restores peace of mind

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