People are social creatures It is very important for them to be in society and contact with others Every day a person communicates with different groups of people, being in a work team, public transport and in a family environment at home Communication is important not only for the exchange of information Psychologists and gerontologists claim that the opportunity to communicate with relatives and like-minded people extends life for older people by an average of 10-15 years
French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry stated: “The only luxury I know is the luxury of human communication” Exchange of opinions with interesting and congenial people, stories about sorrows and joys can relieve both stress and depression and cure physical ailments Communication gives a person a feeling of satisfaction with himself and life, helps to gain knowledge, develop personal qualities and achieve success The importance of verbal interaction was recognized by people who lived hundreds and thousands of years ago The value of communication is not questioned today, in the age of the Internet, social networks and instant messengers Therefore, May 5 is celebrated as World Communication Day
In honor of the holiday, lectures and seminars are held where psychologists and coaches talk about the secrets of communication Achieving mutual understanding with loved ones, success in society, and career advancement depend on it During a conversation, a person uses both verbal and nonverbal means of interaction - gestures, facial expressions, gaze In order to win over your interlocutor and make communication effective, you need to maintain visual contact with him At the same time, the gaze and body position should express sincere interest, radiate openness and friendliness
With a word you can both kill and save someone who is desperate and sees no meaning in life In the 1979 French film “Speak, I'm Interested,” communicating with a stranger on the phone helped TV reporter François Perrin cope with depression after divorcing his wife, and his interlocutor Christina, played by actress Annie Girardot, with loneliness
Robinson Crusoe survived on a desert island after a shipwreck not only because he did not lose heart and learned to provide himself with everything he needed An important component of his life was his acquaintance with an aborigine, whom the hero of Daniel Defoe’s novel taught his language Communication with others like oneself is the basis for the development and formation of a person as an individual, the formation of the psyche for existence in society and salvation in critical situations
“It is not possible for us to predict how our word will respond,” wrote FI Tyutchev Therefore, every person needs to develop empathy and spiritual sensitivity, broaden their horizons and train eloquence These personal qualities and professionalism help negotiators in their work, who, by competently building communication with criminals, save hostages Politicians, scientists, lawyers, agents representing the interests of athletes and creative people know the secrets of successful communication
The most successful speeches and speeches of speakers on May 5 become the object of close study in order to borrow experience from those who are just beginning to master the basics of communication The art of successful verbal interaction can be learned by overcoming insecurities, fear and inferiority complex World Communication Day suggests taking the first step in this direction