On the day of the winter solstice, the Global Orgasm event is held, related to the theme of fertility and sexual pleasure World Enjoyment Day was conceived in 2006 by Donna Sheehan and her husband Paul Reffell in opposition to the deterioration of relations between the United States and Iran The organizers of the event urged people to focus on the divine aspect of creation during sexual intercourse The couple decided to establish World Orgasm Day to replenish the Earth with positive energy, which will be given to it by people who have sex on December 21 or 22
Initially, Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell wanted all participants to have intercourse at a certain time on the solstice The venue for the event was to be countries that possess weapons of mass destruction But later it was decided that it was possible to experience sexual satisfaction for the benefit of the planet without strict reference to territory, hours and minutes The main thing is to follow the basic message of the action: a person must saturate the energy field during sexual intercourse with the right impulses and good intentions
Donna Sheehan, promoting the idea of peace, took off her clothes along with 50 female volunteers in order to create a composition of naked bodies in the form of the word PEACE on the grass of the park Her idea was taken up by kindergarten teacher Victoria "Ani" Sinclair, who calls herself Priestess Anela, and her sexual partner Steve Schweitzer, a PhD artist and sexologist They, like many like-minded organizers of the holiday, are convinced: the more people in the world feel joy and happiness, experience bliss or delight, the more favorable the atmosphere on the planet becomes for all living things
The initiators of the World Pleasure Day planned to end the campaign in 2012, which was the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar However, the apocalypse did not come, and the Global Orgasm celebration continued Now it is celebrated every year on the winter solstice According to Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell, the action draws society's attention to the prevailing sexual and social inequality, wars and global warming To do this, it is necessary that people, while receiving an orgasm, think about peace on Earth and the brotherhood of peoples
The organizers of the action believe that sexual intercourse for good purposes is an excellent alternative to prayers and meditation Orgasm as the highest point of pleasure, experienced on one of the most wonderful nights of the year, can change your life for the better Everyone who shares this point of view approaches sex on the day of the winter solstice very responsibly Global Orgasm is designed to change the Earth's biofield in a positive direction and prevent its destruction as a result of military conflicts Therefore, the Day of World Pleasure is celebrated by supporters of anti-militarism who have a pronounced civic position