Good Friday, Good Friday

Two days before the great church holiday of Easter comes Good Friday, also called Good FridayGood Friday, Good Friday This event is not a holiday, but Christians all over the world commemorate the Holy Saving Passion of Jesus Christ, who gave his life for humanity Tradition says that on the night from Thursday to Friday, Christ was captured by the Jews and brought to trial before the Roman procurator Pilate Under pressure from the Jewish public, Pilate agreed to execute God's son by crucifixion Jesus was given a crown of thorns on his head and forced to carry his own cross for crucifixion to the place of execution Along the way, the evil Jews laughed at him and insulted him in every possible way He was executed on Golgotha ​​Hill, near Jerusalem, on the same line as the robbers Iron nails were driven into Christ's hands and feet to hold his body on a wooden cross Jews came up to him, spat in his face and mocked him When the spirit left the body of the martyr, the sun darkened for three hours in a solar eclipse This frightened many Jews; they believed that the heir of God was really hanging on the cross, and they repented In order to ensure the exact death of Jesus, the executioners pierced him with a spear in the hypochondrium Joseph, a disciple of Christ, received permission from Pilate to remove the body of the martyr Together with his secret disciple Nicodemus, he took him to the cave, placed him in a coffin with honors and performed a special burial ceremony The loss of Jesus Christ is the saddest event of humanity Today, in churches on Good Friday, services are held to commemorate the death of the Savior, his removal and burial While listening to the reading of the chapters of the Gospel, believers hold a lighted candle in their hand as a symbol of their support and love for the Savior Temple servants display an icon depicting the Messiah in the tomb before parishioners, and believers take turns coming up and kissing the wounds of Christ On this day, fasting continues, but it is the strictest of the series You cannot eat food all day; exceptions are allowed only for pregnant women, sick people and people who cannot prepare lean food on their own for certain reasons Housewives can prepare dough for holiday cakes, but they should be baked only the next day, just like coloring eggs

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