One of the most unusual holidays of the Slavs is the Day of Hide and Seek with Winter, which is usually celebrated every year on January 9 Our ancestors celebrated it on a grand scale This tradition originated in ancient times, when it was believed that the frosty winter could be outwitted if you hid well from it
There is a belief that light clothing instead of sheepskin coats and fur coats can confuse winter and make it want to run away faster, giving way to the spring sun Both adults and children liked the folk entertainments that were held on this day
In Rus', they began to prepare for the holiday in advance To do this, they built high slides, which were then filled with water to make the ride faster and more fun
In order for the Day of Hide and Seek with Winter to help bring spring closer, our ancestors tried to decorate their houses using symbols of the sun Women baked pancakes and treated them to their households and guests It was believed that this would help change the course of time and bring summer closer Of course, the celebration was not complete without a game of hide and seek People believed that those who hid in the most secluded place would have good luck throughout the year
There are much more winter fun in the modern world than before, so Winter Hide and Seek Day can be celebrated with the whole family so that it will be remembered for the whole year For example, you can go to the skating rink or slides, taking skates, sleds or cheesecakes with you Having gone outside the city into nature, you can go snowmobiling or skiing, and those who do not have sports equipment can simply play in the snow and admire the beautiful winter landscape
Also, do not forget that the atmosphere in the house should be festive By decorating your home with figures of bright butterflies or birds, you can get a lot of vivid impressions A good end to family holiday festivities will be a delicious dinner, during which you can remember summer travels, beach holidays, and the best moments in life
This Slavic holiday, forgotten by many, can add variety to everyday family life and relieve boredom You can spend a day of playing hide and seek in winter according to your own scenario, devoting time to your favorite activities and fun to recharge yourself with the spring mood, regardless of the time of year