A friend who refuses to go to the bar or go fishing on Saturday because he is afraid of his wife's anger? Last time she met him after the bachelor party on the doorstep of the house with a frying pan in his hand Yes, you can’t envy the fate of henpecked people But there is also a holiday on their street! Did your friend boldly come to the garage to throw some cards around without taking a pug for disguise, which he must walk twice a day? A friend receives his fourth call from his angry wife while sitting in a pub? Don't worry about what happened! December 17th marks the Feast of Heels - the day when men who are under the heel of their faithful ones are allowed everything
You can be under the yoke of the main woman in your life not only in adulthood Real henpecked men grow up from mama's boys who sacredly honor the covenants and fulfill any demands of the parent Take a close look at your son's school friends This thick-cheeked child with a curly head, who at the age of 15 reports to his mother every step he takes, is a potential candidate for henpecked behavior In the future, the role of a caring parent will pass on to the wife, and then - all hell breaks loose! He is forever lost for male company, since his wife has firmly and permanently settled on the captain’s bridge of his life
The Feast of the Heaped Man helps to reverse the negative trend and give the poor fellows a breath of freedom What's the best way to celebrate it? Those who are very boiling may, in a fit of anger, hit the kitchen table with a roar: “I am the boss of the house!” But hit the countertop carefully, because you will have to repair it Particularly desperate people may go on a binge or alcohol-free binge for the entire weekend The bravest ones are to buy a new car without consulting your other half Particularly fearless ones are to blow a couple of smoke rings in the face of the mother-in-law, who constantly nags her daughter and annoys her with phrases from the series “But yours is completely out of hand!” Real suicides hand over vouchers for a trip with the whole family to Turkey to spend an honestly earned vacation with friends in Altai
No matter how you decide to celebrate the High Heels Festival, buy a construction helmet to protect your head just in case Save a few hundred rubles for a rainy day, in case they stop giving you pocket money Buy the cheapest mobile phone and hide it in the electric meter box or in the toilet - you cannot ignore the possibility of house arrest and excommunication from all gadgets Just in case, learn Derzhavin’s ode “Felitsa”, glorifying the Empress And yes, check with your friend to see if he’ll let you spend the night if your wife really doesn’t like the idea of the High Heels Festival