Every second Sunday of July in Belarus comes Tax Workers' Day, which as an official professional holiday arose thanks to the decree of President A Lukashenko in 1998 After gaining independence from the USSR, the country needed its own department responsible for the receipt of taxes to the budget The Personal Tax Service was created in 1990 on the basis of the Ministry of Finance Years of transformations and renamings led it to its modern form: since 2001 it has been a separate governing body
The Ministry of Taxes and Duties, consisting of various departments, departments and inspections, works for the welfare of the country, because tax revenues are the basis of the budget of Belarus Protecting state interests and economic security are the priorities that guide all employees of the department Several institutes train specialists, the leading place in which is occupied by the Academy of Management
Almost every year, the ministry, together with the president, tries to improve the tax system, making it as up-to-date as possible and in line with the latest trends Thus, the plans include a wealth tax, which has been discussed for a long time, causing various discussions
The gambling business is another tool for significantly replenishing the state budget, taken under strict government control The attitude towards non-payers of legal fees is quite serious, regardless of the status of the person - individual or legal A special decree on parasitism was adopted, according to which all citizens must be employed and must participate in the financing of government spending
There are still many different tasks assigned to employees and all this requires strict control Soon, Workers' Day will be celebrated by specialists of a new position in the tax authorities of Belarus - tax consultants who provide relevant assistance to citizens Modern technologies are being actively introduced - the ministry has its own website Electronic document management, remote services, mobile applications are innovative methods in the tax sphere of Belarus
It even has its own heraldic emblem The staff and the key are symbols that have historically accompanied this activity in ancient Belarus for centuries Scrupulousness, accumulation and preservation, responsibility, a share of courage - these qualities required for the profession have not changed for hundreds of years Although earlier the positions sounded different: tax collector, treasurer, treasurer Modern tax officials still help the country become strong economically
Official awards, presentation of certificates, badges for the best employees are timed to coincide with the professional date On this day, especially diligent workers who have shown success are included on the Honor Board of the Belarusian Ministry of Tax Authorities The department has an interesting nomination for the other side - the best payer Congratulations from state officials once again emphasize the importance and responsibility of the work of each ministry employee