Holidays of Azerbaijan - Day of Workers of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

On this day, employees of the Ministry of Azerbaijan, which is responsible for ecology, conservation of natural resources, and their proper use, celebrate their professional holidayHolidays of Azerbaijan - Day of Workers of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources The date coincides with the events of 2001, it was then on May 23 that this ministry appeared For the government it was a completely new structure that abolished all the old committees All activities related in one way or another to the environment and resources, which must not only be protected, but also increased, came under strict centralized control The holiday date itself is noted in the May decree of President Ilham Aliyev of 2007, thereby arguing the importance of the work being done This ministry has been headed by Huseingulu Bagirov since its creation He was awarded the Order of Glory in 2015 for his work Under the control of the Ministry of Ecology, a large-scale multi-year greening campaign in Azerbaijan is taking place: more than 5 million trees have been planted Any cutting down of even a few trees, not approved by the Ministry, is subject to serious proceedings and is considered an offense It is also involved in activities related to the protection of 14 nature reserves, occupying 25% of the entire territory of the largest country in Transcaucasia In 2004, a special reserve was created - “Eldar Pine”, with the goal of preserving a unique type of breed that remains only on the territory of the Republic A professional holiday is important for department employees, since their work can be fraught with danger One of the events aimed at combating illegal hunting, carried out in the fall of 2016, ended with a gunshot wound to one of the Ministry of Ecology employees Since Azerbaijan is very careful about the protection of animals, a set of measures against poaching is strengthened every year The problem of the impact on nature from oil refining activities was very acute for this country Timely measures taken made it possible to transform heavily polluted areas into modern environmental projects All decisive and tough measures taken by the President and the Ministry of Ecology are aimed at improving people’s health, because the quality of life of the citizens of the Republic is directly related to the characteristics of water and air Therefore, on May 23, it is so important to involve the residents of Azerbaijan themselves in environmental problems The campaigns and events for landscaping and cleaning activities taking place on this day in all regions of the country have become a symbol and a clear indicator that the work of the Ministry is not in vain, is going in the right direction and can become an example for many countries

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