For every state there is one most important and solemn day - this is the holiday of its independence The Republic of Belarus was no exception in this regard The country celebrates this day every year on July 3rd
This date is dedicated to the liberation of the capital of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, from the troops of Nazi Germany during the legendary Operation Bagration in 1944
Although previously, residents of Belarus celebrated Independence Day on July 27, since it was on this day that the Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted in 1991 Belarus declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 25, although it was formally able to obtain it only on December 25, 1991 (when the USSR finally ceased to exist)
But the date July 27 did not take root among citizens In 1996, a republican referendum was held, and according to its decision, it was decided to move Independence Day again to July 3 Thus, Belarus has become the only state (from the countries of the former USSR) whose independence day is in no way tied to the collapse of the Soviet Union
Today, July 3rd is officially declared a holiday in the state The main event is still considered to be the grandiose military parade in Minsk He reminds everyone at what cost the Republic of Belarus got the Victory, what the inhabitants of the country are ready for in order to preserve the integrity and independence of their state in case of danger The President also addresses residents with greetings and solemn owls
After the military parade, other festive events begin In many cities and villages of the Republic of Belarus, concerts, competitions, contests, exhibitions, and awards are held for citizens who have made a great contribution to the development of their country Residents go with their families and friends to parks, squares, and squares to watch and participate in these ceremonial events And late in the evening in the capital of the state - Minsk, a grandiose fireworks display is sure to triple