On August 1, Russia celebrates the professional date of collection workers - All-Russian Collection Day On this day in 1939, the collection service was founded at the State Bank of the Soviet Union The need to transport and protect money and valuables arose in parallel with their appearance at the end of the 9th century on the territory of Kievan Rus The main merchants and treasurers in Kyiv were the prince and the boyars, who provided protection for trade caravans with the help of personal squads Since then, funds have been transported either by their owners, or by people specially hired for this purpose, who were immensely trusted And at all times, when there was a lot of money, they were accompanied by armed persons who could protect them from bandits
Thus, in the 16th century, merchant trade caravans were accompanied by powerful guards, headed by a representative of the wealthy merchant class, who had the special trust of the guest corporation Any problems in transporting valuable cargo contributed to the subsequent development of collection services With the emergence of the need to collect money from trading companies and deliver it to banking institutions, a subtype emerged from the single function of collecting and transporting cash - collection, and at the same time the position of a collector appeared The development of the banking segment of the economy entailed an increase in money turnover The problems of transporting valuables gave impetus to the further development of collection organizations, and, as a result, the requirements for the professional skills of employees of such services began to grow
The profession of a cash collector is considered incredibly difficult and responsible This position requires excellent physical fitness, courage and determination However, it is associated with risks to health and life A cash collector is not just a competent security guard, but also a cashier He must be able to draw up the documents necessary for the transfer of valuable cargo In addition, a representative of this profession is an expert in working with banking equipment of various designs and electronic exchange offices
The duties of a collector include:
Since the specifics of the profession imply financial responsibility, the following requirements are imposed on the collector:
The collection procedure itself has several levels of protection Transportation of funds and valuable cargo is carried out on armored vehicles, inside of which there is a kind of safe The armored interior of the car provides reliable protection for passengers from bullets The car is also equipped with modern radio and satellite communication systems All collectors are mainly armed with military weapons and body armor The movement of cars is monitored by the dispatcher of the bank collection service It monitors the location of all machines and records an alarm signal