On the first Sunday in August, all railway workers celebrate their professional holiday - Railway Worker's Day This date was officially approved in the USSR in 1980 The celebration is widely celebrated by drivers, conductors, repairmen, station administrations, metro management, railway workers, staff of tram depots, teaching and student staff of specialized educational institutions, as well as their families and loved ones On this day, it is customary to reward the best specialists in the railway industry and organize grand concerts in their honor
The world's first steam locomotive was designed in 1801 according to the sketches of the British engineer Trevithick From that moment on, the history of rolling stock began its rapid development In Russia, Nicholas I made his significant contribution to the large-scale construction of railways throughout the country
During his reign, the first pleasure railway service appeared between St Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo, as well as between Moscow and St Petersburg The Emperor introduced a tradition of honoring steel workers In June they had an official day off to coincide with the birthday of the head of state Lush celebrations, prayer services, concerts and dinners were held In 1917, the celebrations were canceled, and only 19 years later they were resumed
The widespread construction of railways contributed to the strengthening of industry and the economic growth of the Russian state
The uninterrupted functioning of railway transport allows for the intensive development of all production structures and has a positive effect on the country’s economy
There is hardly a person in Russia who has not at least somehow come into contact with the activities of railway workers Freight and passenger transportation affect our standard of living, seemingly unnoticed, but really If you cancel traffic on the rail track, life will stop in the vast Russian space
On this day, we need to bow to those who stood at the origins of the formation of Russian railways - the inventors Cherepanovs, thanks to whom Russia made its own steam locomotives, taking fourth place in the time of introduction of steam-powered railways
Serf workers Efim Alekseevich and Miron Efimovich, talented Russian inventors, built the first Russian steam locomotive and a three-kilometer railway in 1833-1834
Grateful memory and low bow to everyone who laid sleepers and rails of the first steel tracks, who built steam locomotives, to everyone who preserved this miracle transport to this day
For Railwayman's Day, special musical and entertainment programs are being prepared with performances by stars, popular groups and dance groups The television and radio broadcasting network includes documentaries about the history of the railway, “living stories” about the best representatives of the field, their heroic deeds and achievements, as well as television broadcasts of thematic reports and the screening of feature films
In specialized educational institutions, meetings with qualified specialists, educational excursions and acquaintance with the “inner kitchen” of the large-scale railway industry are held Often, teachers and students go out into nature, organize quests, team building events, and sports competitions Entertainment that has already become traditional and loved by many is pulling rails, throwing sleepers and pushing cars The main goal of such competitions is to feel like part of a single professional community
The first Sunday in August is the professional holiday of railway workers Railway Worker's Day, happy holiday, happy journey!