In March 1973, in the USSR, in order to promote compliance with traffic rules, special detachments of children and teenagers were formed Young inspectors helped traffic police officers in carrying out various public events and conducted explanatory work among their peers The movement did not cease to exist despite the collapse of the Soviet Union And today young people take part in promotions, thematic competitions ("Safe Wheel"), quizzes and other events aimed at their knowledge of traffic rules On March 6, the Day of All-Russian teams of young traffic inspectors is celebrated throughout the country
The ideological inspirer of the YID was Larisa Nikolaevna Ovcharenko (Medvedeva), an employee of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs On her initiative, detachments of inspectors began to be created in the country and annual gatherings were held in the Orlyonok camp, located in Tuapse For the first time, the winners of local UID competitions came to the Black Sea coast in 1975 870 schoolchildren from 72 regions of the Soviet Union met at the gathering YID members, like other road users, had their own vehicle It was a bicycle Each young inspector had to have a good knowledge of the vehicle design, possess the skills of maintenance and troubleshooting
The tradition of holding rallies in camps on the Black Sea, as well as celebrating March 4, the day the units were created, continues today Young inspectors not only know the traffic rules well The children willingly help their peers study them and are always ready to remind adults about the culture of behavior on the road On March 6, promotions, flash mobs, marathons (for example, “Safe Country of UID”), competitions and quizzes among supporters of the movement dedicated to traffic rules are held throughout the country
In 2019, the All-Russian Youth Forum was held for the first time, which brought together activists from 73 regions of the country But long before this, in 2002, teams of inspectors from Russia began to take part in the European educational competition for knowledge of traffic rules, becoming winners of the competition UID athletes from the Russian Federation were placed on the highest step of the podium in 2010 and 2011, and consolidated their success in 2015 and 2018
There are teams of inspectors in every region of Russia More than 370 thousand schoolchildren not only learn traffic rules, but also master the skills of helping victims of road accidents and take part in socially significant events UID students interestingly and clearly tell their peers about traffic rules, teach them to be responsible, attentive and careful on the roads The activities of the teams contribute to the prevention of child injuries in road accidents and reduce the number of incidents
YID is a training school for the transport sector and traffic police: after receiving secondary education, many guys from inspector teams go to work for the State Traffic Inspectorate The 1973 initiative to promote traffic rules among young people has still not lost its relevance That is why such great importance is attached to the celebration of the Day of All-Russian detachments of young traffic inspectors