Life without holidays can turn into a gray mass of monotonous everyday life that can only cause melancholy and depression We need holidays as a kind of outlet that allows us not only to remember and honor this or that event, but also to gain positive emotions and strength
For some reason, it is generally accepted that in our country there are too many such significant days, and their number prevents Russians from focusing not on relaxation, but on work achievements In fact, this statement is not true, since there are enough countries in the world that can celebrate all kinds of events more widely and pompously Among such leaders we can safely include residents of Egypt, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Morocco
The Russians are far from first on this list, although they could compete with the leaders After all, with us, any reason, even the most insignificant, can become a reason for wild fun Our calendars are full of holidays, not only domestic ones, but also borrowed ones Among them you can find International Pirate Day, Japanese Nude Festival, Zombie March, and World Left-Handed Day
Such a variety of significant events can turn the head of any lover of a good rest and fun And all this, of course, is great, but it still needs some kind of systematization, ordering, separating the most important from the secondary and not the most necessary Such a regulator, which does not cause mass rejection, is the state, which has the right to determine what is most significant for it and its benefit It is it that is endowed with the authority not only to establish holidays, but also to protect through them its identity, individuality and historical justice
It is very important to remember here that the semantic load carried by this or that event associated with an officially established holiday performs not only a unifying, but also an educational function Public holidays are designed to preserve the history of the country in order to pass it on intact to future generations An important feature of these holidays established by the executive branch is their nationwide recognition The basis for such deep reverence for established traditions is based on historical, religious, military and professional achievements that radically influenced the fate of the country
All these categories of holidays reflect the most important milestones in Russian history and they are all closely related to each other Religious holidays are associated not only with the history and culture of Russia, but also with such important concepts as honor, courage, patriotism, self-sacrifice, mutual assistance and mercy
If we talk about professional holidays, they are a sign of recognition of the merits of outstanding workers in all fields of activity who have completely devoted themselves to their favorite work
Many dates in our calendar are dedicated to memorable events associated with key historical events in the life of the people and the state A special place here is occupied by the Victory Days of Russia, established to commemorate the great victories of Russian soldiers who defended their Motherland from numerous enemies and ill-wishers
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation speaks of eight public holidays and 12 days off associated with them In addition to these holidays, which are certainly beloved and expected by everyone, there are a large number of special days and events dedicated to workers in agriculture, medicine, various industries, authorities, the media, and artists Each day of our calendar has its own dedication, addressed not only to a specific representative of any profession or field of activity, but also to all of us, citizens of the great Russia