On January 19, according to the new style, there is the Slavic holiday of Vodokreshchi, or Vodosvet This day is associated with pagan beliefs, but after the adoption of Christianity, its traditions were intertwined with the church holiday of Epiphany
Vodosvet marked the end of Christmastide From this date, the Slavs began preparing for the wedding season (small wedding), consecrated reservoirs and swam in a special ice hole, later called Jordan Before the adoption of Christianity, the ice hole was decorated with multi-colored ribbons and rags, and after that a cross was placed Before plunging into the hole to cleanse oneself from filth, a person had to throw grain or bread into it According to legend, after Vodosvet it was impossible to wash clothes in the ice hole for twelve days
Of particular importance was the eve of Vodosvet - Epiphany evening The Slavs believed that on the eve of January 19, the water was filled with special power, becoming clean and healing, that is, light This is where the name of the holiday comes from Light water was collected and used for washing and cooking It was sprinkled on dwellings, stables and outbuildings It was strictly forbidden to take water out of the house: this could bring great misfortune According to pagan traditions, on the night before the Water Light, fortunes were told
People believed that on this day, like on Easter, the heavens open Only the most pious people could see this miracle If at such a moment any person prays and asks the Lord for the most secret things, then the wish will certainly come true
There was a belief that if you place a bowl of water under the images, you can see it moving when you pray This means that Jesus himself came down and sanctified it
In some areas, shows were held on this day Dressed up girls lined up on the river bank, where the Epiphany ice hole was cut, and the guys looked out for their bride
The hay that had previously been lying on the tables for two weeks was removed that day and given to the cattle People believed that this would improve the taste of milk and protect cattle from witchcraft
Also on this day, peasants read special words to protect their homes from fire Crosses were drawn on the doors with chalk: this protected the house from the invasion of demons
On January 19, the old people went outside the outskirts and collected Epiphany snow It was poured into the well so that the water would always be fresh and tasty It was also placed in the oven to protect the home and given to livestock Jugs were filled with snow, then the resulting water was used throughout the year to treat dizziness, seizures and diseases of the limbs
Sometimes on this day they burned manure in the gardens so that their dead ancestors would be warm in the next world
The Slavs believed that in front of Vodosvet the Fire Serpent raged and flew over the villages, looking for a sweetheart Having found a girl, he turned into a handsome young man and made her fall in love with him After this, nothing could save the unfortunate victim: without her beloved, she withered and wasted away Only one thing saved us from the Serpent - the Christian cross, which was painted right on Vodokreshcha
It was unsafe to be in forests and open water bodies on this day The Slavs believed that by January 19, the borders between the worlds were thinning and all the evil spirits were creeping out to harm people
Signs for Vodosvet: • Many stars in the sky - a lot of white sheep will be born • If there is a lot of snow, then bread will be born • Clear weather on Vodosvet foretells a lean year • Dogs bark a lot and for no reason - it will be a good year for hunters