Holidays of Ukraine - Architecture Day

The holiday Day of Architecture of Ukraine arose thanks to the creativity and initiative of architects and urban planners who influenced the adoption of a special Decree in 1995Holidays of Ukraine - Architecture Day Then President L Kuchma set the official date of celebration on July 1, coinciding it with the world holiday After World War II, the public appreciated the contribution of people of this profession to the restoration and revival of buildings, enterprises and entire cities In 1946, World Architecture Day was established But a year later, since a similar holiday appeared in Ukraine, its date at the 20th UN Assembly was moved from July 1 to the first Monday of October, combining it with the holiday of housing Therefore, now the first day of July belongs undividedly to the “frozen music” of Ukraine, striking in its diversity from temple construction to unique Baroque and Renaissance palaces, harmoniously existing next to modern masterpieces And the country's capital reflects this most significantly On a special day, connoisseurs of architectural masterpieces will appreciate the diverse architecture of Ukraine Its historical component dates back centuries, dating back to the times of Ancient Rus' (IX-X centuries) More ancient monuments have not survived, since they were made of wood, except for the foundation of the Tithe Church built in 988-996 But with the advent of Byzantine influence in the form of the spread of Christianity, everything changed The majestic St Sophia Cathedral is the best example of that time (1017-1022) Another historical character who, like Prince Vladimir, influenced the architecture of Ukraine is Vladislav Jagiello Being an ardent Christian, he not only converted subordinate countries to religion, but also ordered the construction of Catholic churches The Latin Cathedral is the first representative of cathedral Gothic, the foundation of which was laid in 1360 The historical center of Lviv is a special place for admirers of antiquity and authentic urban landscapes; It is even included in the UNESCO heritage list It is impossible not to note the main residence of Ukrainian presidents - the Mariinsky Palace, designed by Rastrelli in his recognizable majestic Baroque style, by order of Elizabeth I It received its name from the name of Empress Maria, wife of Alexander II, by whose will it was reconstructed in 1870 after the fires Another Maria, the mother of Emperor Nicholas II, managed a sanitary center here during the First World War and here she learned about her son’s abdication of the throne The years of the Civil War and World War II influenced the appearance of the palace, which was restored in 1980 Currently, the renovation has been ongoing since 2006, and for a longer period of time than the construction process took for Rastrelli Some historical and architectural monuments were irretrievably lost during the Great Patriotic War During the years of socialism, Soviet architects implemented interesting solutions for the special appearance of Ukrainian cities and restored many buildings destroyed by the war The style of Soviet monumentalism, of which there is quite a lot in Kyiv, with baroque, classical features and pompous scales, is suitable for placing government, administrative, and departmental structures The most striking reference examples are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on St Michael's Square, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in the House of People's Commissars, and the Presidential Administration The theme of space exploration had a strong influence in the Soviet years, giving Ukraine interesting buildings - the Research Institute built in 1971, the Kiev crematorium, and the Salyut Hotel An amazing architectural project is the Dnepropetrovsk Summer Theater, which has the shape of a “hypar” - a hyperbolic paraboloid The modern appearance of Ukraine is in the hands of people of that profession, whose merits, according to a special Decree, are summed up on July 1st On this day, the traditional awarding of State Prizes and certificates of honor to those who contributed to the architecture of Ukraine takes place Members of the public do not ignore this day Thematic classes have been prepared for the holiday, which introduce the younger generation to the profession of an architect; exhibitions, competitions, book presentations in city museums and libraries

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