Holidays of Ukraine - Day of Criminal Investigation Workers

The holiday, celebrated annually, coincides with the day of the government decree of 1919, when the criminal investigation officially appearedHolidays of Ukraine - Day of Criminal Investigation Workers Its development as a separate part of the law enforcement system began in the 19th century, after the annexation of Ukraine to Tsarist Russia The turning point was the 1860-1870s, when the tsarist police system was modified, because before that all the work of identifying, searching and capturing criminals was carried out by the general police In 1873, for the first time on the territory of Ukraine, in Kyiv, an experimental detective unit began its work It became the second to appear in the empire after a similar one organized in St Petersburg Having existed for a year, the Ukrainian investigation showed excellent results, and even the cessation of funding from the Kyiv local authorities could not detract from its merits to the higher management In 1880, with the assistance of the governor, a full-fledged part of 17 employees was created Even then, the foundations of functionality were laid that are still relevant today: detention, search for criminals, surveillance and tracking, registry History made its own adjustments: the years after the revolution brought civil war to Ukraine in an attempt to gain independence in 1917-1918, and the detective units of the tsarist police ceased to exist Only with the advent of Soviet power and the formation of the Ukrainian SSR in 1919, the formation of detective units began anew Their existence and legal basis were recorded on April 15, 1919 by the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine with a special Decree “On the organization of judicial and criminal investigation” In 1920, the Central Directorate of Criminal Investigation was created, which is part of the Main Militia of the Ukrainian SSR Over the decades, the structure of the criminal investigation department and the model of vertical subordination have undergone transformation Since 2001, the official name is the Criminal Investigation Department, which is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine But the main tasks and goals remained unchanged: adequate counteraction to criminal offenses and the search for criminals A professional holiday was organized for all employees, in which employees of related services, veterans, future employees - cadets of specialized specialties and their teachers also took part On this day, in addition to congratulations from the command and senior management, concerts and entertainment programs are held for them and their loved ones The presentation of certificates of honor and awards is mandatory; the awarding of extraordinary titles and the awarding of personalized weapons to the best criminal investigation officers is considered especially honorable A special date, the 90th anniversary of the Criminal Investigation of Ukraine, was marked by the release of a special gift book edition dedicated to the history of the Ukrainian investigation and the installation of a monument near the building of the Kyiv Ministry of Internal Affairs The famous detectives, Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov, like no one else, symbolize this holiday for people who strengthen law and order

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