Holidays of Zoroastrianism - Gahanbar Spenta-Manyu

The wisdom of Zoroastrianism originates from the teachings of the prophet ZarathustraHolidays of Zoroastrianism - Gahanbar Spenta-Manyu One of the most ancient and venerable religious and philosophical teachings on earth, which became a direct source for the development of the dogmas of Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and even Christianity The followers of the great Zarathustra call themselves Parsis Like the great prophet, they share their revelations, sacredly honor the Avesta, completely based on the laws of astrology and guided by the model of the earthly world order A special place in religion is occupied by the division of everything tangible according to the principle of movement of the Zodiac circle The 12 signs of the Zodiac, which are constantly under the influence of moving planets, have truly magical significance Their subtle interaction and connection with human life, caused by the influence of space objects, is examined As a result, it turns out that the wisdom of the Zoroastrians is based on a magical relationship, on the other hand, it is based on fairly clear scientific works and discoveries of astrology Each holiday of Zoroastrianism is marked by the magical presence of cosmic energy, the search for harmony and the awareness of one’s own place in the boundless Universe The Gahanbar holiday is dedicated to honoring the spirit of Spenta Manyu - the Holy Spirit for Zoroastrians The event acquires the highest power at the moment the Sun enters 19 degrees Taurus (May 8-9) For religious adherents, this moment is the most sacred, which emphasizes the special significance of the Gahanbar holiday It is believed that the first followers of Zarathustra were pagan fire worshipers In Zoroastrianism, fire is the most important symbol of the universe, the structure of all things and the complete purification of soul and body Gahanbar is associated with the veneration of the primary light, the vital energy of fire, the power of eternity, which is capable of defeating time On this day, religious adherents engage in rejuvenating procedures and resort to cleansing practices One of the simplest and most accessible methods of joining the holiday traditions is visiting a bathhouse, washing the body, as a symbol of getting rid of worldly burdens Zoroastrians consider the Peacock to be the true personification of the Spirit on earth The constant symbol of Gahanbar is the motley Firebird, a fiery Phoenix that attracts with its incredible plumage, playing with radiant light At its core, the holiday is very bright and joyful It is customary to meet him in high spirits, an elevated and inspiring state of bliss, joy, and freedom of thought On this day, a person opens his heart to new beginnings, love and creative development For each individual holiday there is its own special ritual drink and dishes Gahanbar's favorite ritual drink is sparkling beer, which is brewed especially for the holiday Pyramids of halva are used for communion The unchanging sacrament of Gahanbar is the lighting of ritual bonfires, a sparkling miracle that everyone can touch Traditionally, large fires are prepared for the holiday, which flare up at sunset, carrying their sparks into the sky The enchanting effect signifies purification and honoring the power of the Spirit A living flame is the very essence of life, a symbol of animate nature, a sacred source of energy in man and the world around him

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