Holy Spirit Day, Pentecost for Catholics (Pentecost)

Pentecost is celebrated 49 days after Easter and always falls on a SundayHoly Spirit Day, Pentecost for Catholics (Pentecost) It should be remembered that this is a holiday, and according to Catholic tradition, physical labor on holidays is considered a sin Green holidays, or Holy Spirit Day, are one of the most important church holidays, which closes the cycle of the Easter period According to the Acts of the Apostles, the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of the Savior The Holy Spirit descended on the assembled apostles, the Mother of God and other women The followers of Christ began to speak many languages ​​and received priceless spiritual gifts Officially, this holiday has been celebrated since 306, and the celebrations lasted 7 days Now, on the eve of Pentecost, as on Holy Saturday, the water is blessed But on the Monday after the holiday, the Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated However, “Green Holidays” have a longer tradition, which stems from pagan rituals Rituals and ceremonies were associated with the onset of summer; they were supposed to ensure a rich harvest, but also protection from evil spirits, witchcraft and demons For this purpose, houses, barns, all kinds of buildings (and even fences) were braided with branches of green birch and willow (depending on the region, the tradition may differ slightly) On Pentecost, to this day you can see this kind of decoration on houses and churches An interesting fact is that, according to many Catholic writers, the Day of the Holy Spirit is nothing more than the birthday of the Church Less than fifty days had passed since Pentecost, and the holy name of Jesus Christ could be heard in every known place on earth Three thousand converts multiplied with amazing speed and scattered throughout the world with their sermons St John Paul II wrote that although the Church was born on the cross on Good Friday, it was in hiding She revealed her birth to the world just fifty days later On that day - humanly speaking - she was born for the whole world This is one of the three most important holidays in the Liturgical Year! The three largest holidays of the church year are dedicated to the three Persons of the Holy Trinity: Christmas - to God the Father, Easter - to God the Son

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