Choreographers and choreographers celebrate their professional holiday on January 9 Classical and contemporary dance directors are honored several times throughout the year - since 2014 in October with World Ballet Day and in late April with International Dance Day In order to emphasize the importance of the work of dancers' mentors, a separate holiday was established - International Choreographer's Day International Choreographers Day celebrates masters who are teachers of performers and their assistants in preparing for performances
Initially, the Greek word "χορογραφία" was used to describe a dance recording This type of art was widely in demand back in Ancient Greece and Rome Processions in honor of the god Bacchus were not complete without dance compositions Roman hetaeras and courtesans of the Renaissance mastered the art of rhythmic movement to music In Ancient Rus', not a single folk holiday was complete without dancing - dances and round dances As choreography developed as an art form, people began to need to record their accumulated experience to pass it on to other generations
At this stage, the term began to be used to refer to the production of dance compositions, their recording and everything else that is included in this type of activity At the same time, at the beginning of the 12th century, a separate profession appeared - choreographers These people carefully preserve the traditions of their ancestors, enhance the art technique with their own experience and share it with the performers A choreographer works with a group or one dancer, teaching expressive techniques, plasticity of movement and a sense of rhythm In honor of representatives of this profession, International Choreographers Day was established, which is widely celebrated on January 9
Choreography in the modern sense is divided into classical (ballet), folk and ballroom dances They are used in theatrical productions, music videos, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, folk festivals, etc Modern dance genres are a symbiosis of tradition and innovation, coupled with the individual style of choreographers In some cases, their productions are works of art - complete works of art with a unique and beautifully designed composition
The work and creativity of choreographers allows people to experience the pleasure of dance Not every person knows how to rhythmically move to the rhythm of a waltz or Charleston, but can get aesthetic pleasure from watching the performers Professionals build bridges between classical ballet, folk dances, ballroom dancing and modern art genres - European modernism and American postmodernism The skill of specialists does not recognize national and state borders, therefore, on January 9, International Choreographer’s Day is celebrated in all countries of the world