Children's Day is celebrated annually on June 1 in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world This is a large-scale international holiday with a long history Its main “mission” is to solve children’s problems, protect against psychological and physical violence, get rid of labor conscription, antisocial behavior of loved ones and abuse from adults As well as helping sick children, orphans with living parents, the disadvantaged and the hungry
In 1925, the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco organized a colorful Dragon Boat Festival for children who were left without parents The children were given memorable gifts A year before the significant event, the Assembly of the League of Nations was held in Geneva, where the welfare of children was discussed The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was published with 5 main “protective postulates” - food, shelter, freedom from exploitation, medical care, means for intellectual and physical development
This was a real breakthrough in the field of child protection After all, for many years, exclusive rights belonged only to parents, who disposed of their children as a personal asset, property They decided whether the child should study, where to get an education, who to become, when and who to marry Children were subject to parental will, remaining timid and submissive executors of imposed attitudes
Until the 19th century, children who broke the law were sent to prisons where adults were kept and received exactly the same punishment The death penalty was no exception It was only at the turn of the century that separate courts for minors and “lighter” sentences with correctional practice began to appear The state has taken upon itself the function of replacing parents in special cases The holiday of June 1 was first celebrated in 1950 The initiators of the celebration were women who were concerned about the issue of disadvantaged children and orphans left homeless The main message of the holiday was to protect children from the horrors of war and hunger
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was published in 1959, but in Russia it was ratified 31 years later The main “children's document” prescribes full equality in the field of upbringing, education, social security and development, regardless of skin color, nationality, or origin of the child
Defense Day has its own flag; it depicts small multi-colored figures holding hands and “circling” the globe in a friendly round dance This symbolizes diversity and tolerance towards each other, and our common home - the Earth
Traditionally, competitions, concerts, sporting events, master classes, exhibitions of children's drawings, film shows, etc are held Particular attention is paid to children from orphanages, children from large and disadvantaged families, as well as disabled children, refugees and migrants Volunteers organize festive events and give gifts to young patients of rehabilitation centers A common occurrence on June 1 are protests and rallies against abortion
The key task of Children's Day is to clearly demonstrate that every child has the right to a happy childhood Adults must protect and protect the touching space called Childhood from the negative influence of gadgets, early sexual activity, violence, hunger, and disease The motto of the holiday is “There are no other people’s children!”