International holidays - European Day of Parks

European Parks Day is a young holidayInternational holidays - European Day of Parks It was first celebrated only in 1999, the founder was the Europark Federation, it is known for the fact that it includes natural areas under protection in thirty-six European powers Parks Day is celebrated every year on May 24th The date was chosen due to the fact that at the end of May the greenery on the trees is thick and fragrant, with a historical background It is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the creation of the first European national parks On May 24, 1909, nine Swedish national parks were founded The most famous of them is Sarek, with a harsh climate and the valley of the Rapapaeto River, in which the waters of 30 glaciers flow After the creation of 9 protected natural zones, about 300 more natural areas were opened throughout the Old World This day is celebrated for a reason, but with the aim of raising the level of European nature reserves In addition, it is designed to attract society to help develop natural areas Every year on May 24, a large number of events are held near the reserves and on their territory Among them: the opening of new excursions, lectures on nature conservation, events for children, screening of thematic films and the organization of exhibitions The primary goal of these events is to identify the problem of protecting the natural environment of Europe, as well as to attract young people to protect natural areas So in 2009, the festival was held under the motto “Youth are the future of our parks” Every year the holiday is dedicated to one theme, for example, in 2016 the motto “Taste of Nature” was chosen, emphasizing the unity of people, nature and organic food In 2015, the motto was “The nature of our business” In 2014, the world mourned the 100th anniversary of the First World War, so the slogan was: “Parks for nature Parks for well-being Parks of the World” The reserves would hardly exist without volunteers, so 2011 was dedicated to their work It is worth adding that the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks in Russia is celebrated on January 11

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