International holidays - Global Garbage Man Day

Collecting household waste and clearing residential yards and surrounding areas of garbage is not only carried out by janitors and other public service workersInternational holidays - Global Garbage Man Day Volunteers who are concerned about the depressing state of wildlife due to environmental pollution spend their free time educating themselves on this matter In honor of people involved in cleaning streets and sorting recyclable materials for subsequent recycling, World Garbage Day was established, which is celebrated on June 17th The idea of ​​celebrating Global Garbage Man Day belongs to US businessman John Arwood, the head of a company involved in demolition of houses and waste collection For the first time, events in honor of garbage collectors were held in 2011 After a while, D Arwood increased the celebration time from one day to seven, initiating the establishment of the Week of Workers who sort household waste and recycle it Around the world, 45 billion people live in unsanitary conditions Dirt and garbage located in close proximity to housing leads to the emergence of infectious diseases, which are one of the main causes of death in children from birth to five years of age Every minute, one child dies on the planet due to environmental pollution Therefore, the role of professionals involved in establishing order and cleanliness, collecting and processing recyclable materials is difficult to overestimate The selfless efforts of women and men, utility workers, and employees of solid waste recycling plants are directly related to caring for our health The work of garbage collectors and waste disposal specialists involves inhaling unpleasant odors and chemicals, such as methane and carbon dioxide, which are released in tons from waste lying in landfills Mountains of garbage are infested with hordes of rodents - carriers of many diseases Janitors risk their health not only due to daily contact with pathogenic bacteria, but also the likelihood of cutting themselves with broken glass and other sharp objects The collection and disposal of foul-smelling landfill gas through pipes is carried out by specialists whose professional activities are hazardous to health This is why the public attaches so much importance to the celebration of World Garbage Day Janitors, recycling sorters and waste disposal workers work in unsanitary conditions Scavengers make our world cleaner every day, despite the summer heat and winter cold A waste container that is not emptied not only creates inconvenience for residents of apartment buildings, but also significantly increases the risk of spreading infections Global Garbage Man Day was created to give people around the world the opportunity to express their appreciation and gratitude to garbage collectors

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