International holidays - International Archives Day

The storage, systematization, and description of written and printed monuments of the past are carried out by institutions specially created for this purposeInternational holidays - International Archives Day The archives contain manuscripts, photographs, court cases, receipts, drawings, wills and other documents related to the activities of the organization, the life of a person or an entire nation The Frenchman Charles Breban spoke about the importance of preserving ancient sources of information Outstanding historian and paleographer of the twentieth century asserted: “Archives are the memory of any people, country and humanity as a whole” Storing birth certificates in specially designated places was practiced back in the days of Ancient Greece and Rome In Kievan Rus, archives with manuscripts of artistic, historical and religious content appeared simultaneously with writing Paying tribute to the importance of ancient books and other sources of knowledge preserved for posterity on a global scale, the International Council on Archives was founded by UNESCO on June 9, 1948 The chairman of the ICA, headquartered in Paris, was Charles Samaran, head of the French National Archives The activities of the International Council are dedicated to preserving evidence of the past - the documentary memory of humanity, the basis of its cultural and historical heritage ICA members are national and international organizations, professional groups and individuals from 199 countries Every year, the Council publishes the Comma magazine in the official languages ​​of the UN and German, and holds congresses and round tables In 2007, at the initiative of the ICA, International Archives Day was established, which is celebrated on June 9 Every year at this time educational events, meetings and seminars are held The holiday creates opportunities for dialogue between archive staff, users and government officials On June 9, traditionally, we congratulate professionals working in specialized institutions, sections and departments where written sources of information are stored, including those marked “Secret” In honor of International Archives Day, lectures, exhibitions, symposiums, open days and conferences are held The position of archivist in Rus' appeared in 1720 as a result of the publication by Peter I of the “General Regulations or Charter” on the fundamentals of public administration and the work of government bodies The Tsar also demanded that churches and monasteries send handwritten chronicles and ancient books to Moscow to make copies and send them to the Synod Peter's reforms laid the foundations for the activities of the State Archival Service of Russia Today, the federal fund stores more than 500 million documents, located on printed and, of course, electronic media Thanks to digitalization, the creation of one archival file takes 10 times less time than in the 20th century In Russia, Archives Day falls on March 10, the date of the publication in 1720 according to the new style by Peter I of the decree on their establishment Civil servants who are engaged in scientific analysis of documents, their systematization and restoration processing celebrate June 9 and an international holiday International Archives Day marks the presentation of certificates, awards and other incentives to archive employees

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