International holidays - International Candlestick Day

Widespread electrification has led to a decrease in the production and consumption of wax and paraffin candlesInternational holidays - International Candlestick Day The process began in the 80s of the 19th century However, despite Benjamin Franklin's discovery of the connection between lightning and electricity, candles remain popular in the 21st century continue to play an important role in people's lives They are used for meditation, religious ceremonies and room decoration Therefore, starting in 2017, April 30 is celebrated as International Candle Maker Day This is interesting: The idiomatic expression “The game is not worth the candle” has a historical basis Based on the duration of their burning, experienced gamblers assessed the income received at the end of the card game The small winnings did not allow the participant to recoup even the cost of the candles that illuminated the gaming table The date of the celebration is dedicated to the day of Zosima Solovetsky, the patron saint of bees, whose wax has been used since ancient times to make candles The holiday pays tribute to ancient traditions and candlemakers According to tradition, on April 30, beekeepers must take the hives outside to check whether the swarm has weathered the winter well If the weather is warm on Zosima's day, the bees are released to fly In case of cold weather, they are fed with sugar syrup to strengthen their strength Since ancient times, beekeepers rejoiced on April 30th when their bees were stung Although in ordinary life it was believed that a good person would avoid this fate According to popular beliefs, a bee that bites a beekeeper on the day of Zosima Solovetsky is ready to die for its owner This is interesting In 1992, the Guinness Book of Records included the largest candle in the world, with a height of 36 m It is located in Germany, in the state of Hesse, and is lit on Christmas Eve On top of the candle there are 140 light bulbs, which when turned on create a flame effect According to ancient tradition, in the center of the beehouse, among the flying insects, a table covered with a white tablecloth was placed with bread, salt and water A candle left over from the Easter service was placed on it With her, sprinkling everything around with water, they walked around the apiary This ritual guaranteed the beekeeper to receive a large amount of honey throughout the season Father Fedor from the famous “Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov dreamed of his own candle factory The rector of the Church of the Unmercenary Saints Cosmas and Damian on Maroseyka believed that the manufactory would provide him with a stable income And although we are talking about the 20s of the 20th century, candle production is still a profitable activity today Products made from paraffin and wax are no longer used to illuminate rooms, but this has not diminished their importance This is interesting: Since 2005, the largest candle in the world is considered to be 73 meters long and weighing 3 tons Its production by the Society of Arts of the Kingdom of Bahrain was dedicated to the Day of Ashura, an ancient Shia holiday The lighting of the candle with 14,000 wicks, according to the Chairman of the Society, should tell the world that Islam is a religion of love, brotherhood and tolerance Paying tribute to the talent and hard work of craftsmen, on April 30, Russia and other countries around the world celebrate International Candle Maker Day Products of various sizes and shapes made of paraffin and wax, to which aromatic oils and other ingredients are added, are produced by small private enterprises and large factories Exquisite and sophisticated creations of masters have not only utilitarian, but also cultural value That is why every year on April 30, master classes, promotions and other events are held in honor of International Candle Maker Day

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