International holidays - International Childfree Day

August 1 marks the International Day of Childfree, an ideological movement that unites people who voluntarily refuse to have childrenInternational holidays - International Childfree Day This word has been used in Russian for a long time The trend arose in the mid-70s in Europe, then spread to the USA and only appeared in Russia in the 2000s For many, the term childfree evokes negative associations People who belong to this trend are mistakenly attributed to hatred of children Let's figure out who childfree people are and why they shouldn't be treated with hostility The name of the movement comes from the English word “childfree” - “free from children” The Americans came up with the term to create an alternative with a subtle semantic difference from the word “childless,” which literally translates as “childless” The fact is that a person can be childless for medical reasons His desire to have a child is not the result of free choice With childfree, the opposite is true - most representatives of this movement can have children, but deliberately refuse to use this opportunity At the same time, it is important not to confuse them with another subculture - childhate, in which there is a cult of hatred towards children Unfortunately, in the minds of the Russian people these concepts merged into one, which distorted the main idea of ​​childfree As mentioned above, the current originated in Europe Here, unlike the countries of the post-Soviet space, since the beginning of the last century there has been a tradition of getting married at a later age People worked to improve their financial situation, “get on their feet” and only after that started families and had children Many researchers associate the emergence of childfree with the advent of more reliable methods of contraception And before, there were people who did not want to have children, but their conscious choice led to a complete renunciation of sexual life, which did not always suit the person Modern contraceptives, to some extent, have given a person the right to choose whether to become a parent or not The childfree movement began to strengthen its position Having children gradually ceased to be a duty and became a human right Childfree is also closely associated with feminist ideas Previously, having a child was the “duty” of every woman, and the desire to have children was considered natural for any representative of the fairer sex Such stereotypes still live in our country, where there is a belief that a woman who departs from tradition and does not want to have children is defective Childfree ideology comes into sharp conflict with evolutionary principles and the instinct of reproduction However, many famous personalities have proven that one can change the course of history alone and influence the entire human race with their actions Modern childfree people are divided into two types - some remain committed to this ideology until the end of their lives, while others consider the possibility of changing their views over time This is not surprising, since the life situation of any person can change in record time, let alone decades A separate group of this trend are people who cannot have children for medical reasons and do not regret it Researchers note that the highest percentage of childfree people is among people under the age of 30 This milestone has become a kind of bar, after reaching which a person matures morally and changes his priorities It is at this age that many childfree people abandon their previous beliefs If a person still does not want to have children, then he has passed the first serious test and remains committed to his previous views

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