To improve the effectiveness of customs services around the world, which performs an important mission in ensuring border security, the Customs Cooperation Council was created in Brussels in 1950, later renamed the World Customs Organization (WCO) In 1953, on January 26, its first meeting was held with the participation of representatives from different countries Since then, every year on January 26, International Customs Day is celebrated - the professional day of all customs employees
(WCO) serves almost 98% of the world's countries, defends the interests of 180 customs services from all continents and plays a large role in the development of global business: regulates legal transactions and helps in the fight against fraud, guards international security and everything that has a negative impact on trusting relations between countries Its task is to ensure profit and protect the trade potential of various states, ensure the safety of goods and facilitate the movement of passengers across borders Regardless of the level of economic development of a particular country, the organization coordinates its customs services, helping to combat smuggling and violations of regulations
International Customs Day highlights the importance of business partnerships On this day, seminars and conferences, working meetings and negotiations are held, problems are identified and ways to eliminate them are discussed Customs officers report to the public about successes, achievements, operations performed and hold award ceremonies for the best workers
Russia has been a member of the World Customs Organization since 1992 as the successor to the USSR, and its customs territory accounts for one-seventh of the territory of all countries in the world The Russian Federation dynamically and harmoniously interacts with other countries on a bilateral basis, and its customs system is recognized as one of the best in the world Today, customs is an important mechanism of the state structure of foreign trade and a constant source of replenishment of the federal budget