International holidays - International Day of Youth Solidarity

Every year on April 24, a holiday is celebrated all over the world - Youth Solidarity DayInternational holidays - International Day of Youth Solidarity This holiday was first established in 1957 by the decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth Solidarity Day is not considered a non-working day in any state However, it is celebrated all over the world by young people Youth are the future of every country and the whole world This day, April 24, serves as an occasion to attract the attention of the state and society to the problems of youth Calls for the attention of the whole world to be paid to the issues of social protection of youth, as well as assistance in obtaining education and organizing leisure activities for young people In the sixties, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was celebrated very widely in our state Concerts were held, youth congresses were organized, and all kinds of festive events were held After the collapse of the Soviet Union, widespread celebrations of International Youth Day virtually ceased In our times, in the twenty-first century, this holiday has rather a formal meaning and is celebrated sporadically In modern society, young people pay a lot of attention Thanks to the efforts of the youth themselves, associations of young people are being created around the world The goal is to protect and uphold one’s rights, to unite efforts to solve social problems Thanks to this holiday, not only youth organizations around the world began to gain great importance Political parties and government bodies made themselves heard Only unification in youth movements can ensure high-quality control over the observance of the rights of young people This has the best effect on society as a whole, on increasing the level of education and upbringing of the younger generation International Youth Solidarity Day is primarily a way to draw government attention to the needs of young people around the world The future depends on solving the problems of young people

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