International holidays - International DNA Day

DNA Day is an international holiday celebrated every year on April 25thInternational holidays - International DNA Day It was on this day in 1953 that a scientific article on the structural features of DNA at the molecular level was published in the printed edition of Nature The authors of the publication are three Cambridge scientists and their colleagues The article contained only one elementary drawing, taking up a little more than a page However, the work served as the beginning of the history of genetic engineering, a turning point in the development of the entire biological industry The significant discovery of British scientists was appreciated, and a few years after the publication of their work they received the most prestigious Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine In 2003, DNA Day was established by the American Congress as a national date to honor the successful completion of the human gene decoding program From next year to the present day, cultural and social events dedicated to this holiday are organized every year in the United States They are attended by scientists, teachers of educational institutions, members of the public, self-government organizations and creative individuals The main goal of the events is to popularize innovative genetic knowledge and intensify the research work of school and university students to address issues of hereditary pathologies, cancer, aging, as well as the creation and widespread implementation of modern projects in the field of biotechnology and genetics In Russia, DNA Day was celebrated for the first time in 2009 at the initiative of the state medical university located in Krasnoyarsk On this day, ceremonial events dedicated to the event were held, in particular open lectures for teachers, students, medical workers, and screening of scientific films dedicated to significant discoveries in the field of genetic engineering The DNA macromolecule is a deoxyribonucleic acid that contains all of a person's genetic data This test is considered one of the most effective and frequently used to determine kinship It has the shape of a double helix, resembling a large spiral ladder, each step of which contains two nucleotides The discovery of the structure of DNA was truly revolutionary for the entire scientific world The identification of this molecule made it possible to decipher the code of heredity and identify a genetic threat The human body contains 40 trillion cells, each of which stores 15 gigabytes of genetic data The DNA of all inhabitants of the planet is 999% the same The uniqueness of each is 01% The only cells in the body that lack this molecule are red blood cells The gene code of people is identical to the codes of individual representatives of the animal and plant world: with chimpanzees this connection is 95%, with mice - 70%, with bananas - 50%

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